View Full Version : First day with XMag

02-21-2011, 02:56 PM
Prior to yesterday, I put a few drops of oil in my ASA and shot a tank of air through the gun to lube it. Just installed the level 10 kit the day before. Longest spring, two shims, no leaks. Chron'd at 295 steady. Went out and played first game. Had quite a few double feeds( paint was rolling out a .682) and balls just lobbing out the barrel. Quite frustrating. Once the tank hit 1000psi it pretty much stopped shooting. I expected that part. When I went home and took the gun apart, I checked the power tube oring and it was bone dry. I was wondering why it would be so dry after cycling and oiling it initially, and secondly I was wondering if the dry powertube oring was preventing the bolt from moving forward fast enough to shoot the ball out.
I remember back in the early 90's, the regulator had a hole in it to put the oil. I honestly forgot to check the Xmag to see if it had the same whole.
So do you think it was the PT oring that was causing the lobbing balls, or something I overlooked while tuning the Lvl 10 kit? It's a whole new platform for me to learn so I appreciate your input and time.

02-21-2011, 03:05 PM
Pretty small paint. There are two sizes of o-rings that come with the stock AGD detents. Did you have the thick or thin one in? If thick, try switching to the thinner one. What size barrel?

As far as the dry powertube, I would oil the various pcs when you have it apart. IMO the oil in the asa is a quick fix, but doesnt replace proper lubrication if/when you are cleaning it. My .02.

02-21-2011, 03:16 PM
Sounds like a detent issue.

captian pinky
02-21-2011, 03:26 PM
What about your lvl 10 is it setup properly?

02-21-2011, 03:46 PM
I was using a .682 initially then had a few barrel breaks so I went up to a .684. I'm not sure about about the ball detent oring. Never knew there were different sizes but i'll take a look. In regards to the Lvl 10, I think it's set up properly. I've followed the instructions to a tee.
I figured some of the double feeding could be from me not working the trigger in mech mode properly. But it was even doing it in electric mode too.

02-21-2011, 06:00 PM
Use the gold bolt spring and tune it that way. Sounds like to heave of a spring to me.

02-21-2011, 06:26 PM
I don't have a gold spring. I just bought two of the longest springs. No medium springs in stock and the small spring is hardest on paint.

02-21-2011, 06:39 PM
The gold spring is fine on brittle paint. It just will not give you the anti chop effect. The red one is almost never used, and i usually cut down the grey ones to 1/4" past the bolt front.

But it sounds like the spring is the problem. Turn up the velocity and if that cures the problem then it is the spring or to small of a carrier.

02-21-2011, 07:43 PM
What do the carriers do exactly ?Do I want to use the smallest carrier without leaks ? And none of the springs I have are colored. The original spring goes a bit past the bolt, but is very hard on the finger.

02-21-2011, 08:33 PM
The carrier changes the size of the O-ring , smaller carriers tighten the o-ring up to seal the leak , too tight means too much friction & normally Bolt stick comes with it
Thier are 3 different springs ; silver ( longest ) , red ( medium ) gold ( short )

02-21-2011, 09:09 PM
Well I bought the two long springs in case I had to cut one down. How much do I need to cut off to equal the 'Red' spring length ?

02-21-2011, 09:28 PM
Ok I was just browsing on ANuS gear and found this.
Is that the Lvl10 Bolt and 'Red'/Middle spring you guys are talking about ?

02-21-2011, 10:28 PM
After reading repeatedly the Lvl10 tuning guide, I think my first assumption may have been correct. I found this qoute at the end of the AGD Tuning page,"The penalty for over tuning is the fact that the marker may occasionally refuse to fire. This is because the main spring combined with the power tube O-ring has too much sticktion to let the bolt go forward. Try at your own risk. "
With the Power tube o-ring being bone dry, I think thats why it would fire great and then just lob the balls out. I am going to cut one coil off the longest spring like it said in the instructions to get the middle spring length, and go downstairs and check the carriers. No bolt stick, and no leaking, and test fired without issue. Thats why I thought it was tuned nicely. But time and tinkering is all part of the learning curve I guess.

Thanks guys. :cheers: