View Full Version : Please vote for me embarassing myself! (Autoshow Karaoke Contest)

02-24-2011, 02:14 AM
Long time lurker, I rarely post, but...

When I went to the Autoshow this year I saw the Kia Karaoke booth and I had to do it. I made a huge fool of myself, but I had a lot of fun, and inadvertently entered myself into a contest to win a $5000 shopping spree at Best Buy.

I could really use a new laptop for school. So if you guys could vote for me, it would be much appreciated!

Link to video:
http://www.cbsdigitalchicago.com/kia/karao...ote&vid=288 (http://www.cbsdigitalchicago.com/kia/karaoke/index.php?go=vote&vid=288)

I hope you guys at least get a good laugh from it. So please vote for me, "like" the video, and if you could, share it on your Facebook and pass it on to your friends.

***Important. If the email link isn't there after voting, check your SPAM filter!***

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/184849_201276033216955_100000036804346_814973_1928 559_n.jpg
Yeah, I'm super cheesy in it. I had a lot of fun!

Thanks in advance everyone!

03-01-2011, 12:02 AM
less than 24 hours left for voting! please and thank you!


03-01-2011, 09:37 PM
How does anyone even know the words to that song anyways ?
That was released in 1981.
Boston, Stix, Journey, they all sounded the same.

Oh well, you have one vote.


03-01-2011, 11:59 PM
How does anyone even know the words to that song anyways ?
That was released in 1981.
Boston, Stix, Journey, they all sounded the same.

Oh well, you have one vote.


It's a classic!

1hr left!!!