View Full Version : Emag Problem 1 of 2

03-12-2011, 10:10 PM
So, I hit the local scenario game, and both of my emags that worked on my last trip out, both failed to function today. I borrowed a friends gun for the day, but I'm trying to trouble shoot them now so I can use one or both tomorrow.

First up is my standard emag. Using Xmod. Fires perfectly in mechanical mode. When I switched it to emode it was already in hyper mode, I tried to switch it to semi, but the button was sticking, so I couldn't get through the settings. So I turned it off and back on and tried to fire, nothing at all. Didn't even hear the solenoid trying to click.

Got it home tonight, cleaned it up, cleaned up my button pushers so my buttons work correctly now, I can navigate the menus just fine. Now I have a problem where when I turn on the electronics, any mode. Semi, full, burst, etc. The solenoid functions exactly once and once only. I can lift the plunger out and pull the trigger again and it won't cycle at all again. I turn it off and back on, and it cycles the plunger exactly once. It does this without fail, 100% of the time. It will cycle the solenoid exactly once after powering up and then never again.

So I ask you experienced mag users. What is my potential issue here?

(Its worth noting that my e-Tac while it has some other issues, also will not cycle the solenoid at all. I thought it was possible that my charger was somehow going, but I put a voltmeter on the plug, its putting out 12v, and the charging block is putting out 18v. So I suspect its probably working correctly, but I find it a stretch that both my batteries would go bad at the same time.)

03-13-2011, 03:24 AM
Back out your hall sensor magnet (trigger magnet) away from the hall sensor. :rolleyes:

03-13-2011, 07:20 AM
The charger should be putting out 23 volts or more...

03-16-2011, 03:51 PM
Okay, I went back and double checked. I was mistaken.

Charger is putting out just shy of 30V. Plus I had another mag owner charge up my battery at the field the following day. No luck.

Finally had a chance to sit down and mess with it. Now it works for about 10-15 seconds and just stops. I can fire it that way on all modes, and it stops about 10-15 seconds in. Disconnect the battery and I can fire it again for about the same period of time.

I've moved the trigger magnet all the way in and out, when it fires, it still only works for the 10-15 seconds or so.

Any other ideas?

03-16-2011, 04:06 PM
Figured it out. Not sure how it was firing at all seeing as how ACE was enabled. Not sure how it got on for that matter, but I was going through the settings and saw that it was on. Turned it off and everything seems to be hunky dory again. :cheers:

03-20-2011, 12:42 PM
This story sounds familiar... glad you got it working man, partially because this means my charger isn't faulty either. I'm sure I'll see you around games in FL, you hitting the Hi Tec in April?

03-20-2011, 08:02 PM
Yeah me too. I'm not sure what/when/where Hi Tec is, but I'd be game to attend if I'm free.

03-20-2011, 08:20 PM
NVM, google is my friend. My son's birthday is that weekend, so I won't be making that one.