View Full Version : aka excal or viking?

03-14-2011, 06:06 PM
Which marker is the better marker? Is the excaliber better than the viking? I know the excaliber is a closed bolt and the viking is the open bolt and that the viking is pretty much maintaince free. But I never even seen either one of these or shot one in person. Any advice and or help would be great

03-14-2011, 06:19 PM
I've had 4 Vikings (still have one and getting another milled right now), never had any problems with them. I've only shot an Excal a few times. Excals are a bit smoother, but they also have 2 noids, so twice the chances of one going out. They're both going to be easy to maintain. You can typically find Vikings for a bit less also, though I've seen some great deals on Excals lately. You also have a few more milling options with Vikings.

My opinion, go with a Viking.

03-14-2011, 06:38 PM
I've had 4 Vikings (still have one and getting another milled right now), never had any problems with them. I've only shot an Excal a few times. Excals are a bit smoother, but they also have 2 noids, so twice the chances of one going out. They're both going to be easy to maintain. You can typically find Vikings for a bit less also, though I've seen some great deals on Excals lately. You also have a few more milling options with Vikings.

My opinion, go with a Viking.
Someone was telling me the excal will shoot father and be more accurate than the viking? any truth to that and the local pb store said that they will not keep up with the newer markers?

03-14-2011, 06:47 PM
A local ref has 2 ecals; tequila sunrise and purple criss cross. Farther and more accurate has to do with the velocity and paint/bore match, not the marker itself. As far as keeping up, they'll do just fine for what fields limit you at. I'm not real knowledgable on them, though, so I don't know what sort of boards and whatnot you can get for them.

03-14-2011, 06:55 PM
Someone was telling me the excal will shoot father and be more accurate than the viking? any truth to that and the local pb store said that they will not keep up with the newer markers?

You got all kinds of wrong information.

Most every gun shooting the same velocity, with a decent paint to bore match will shoot about the same distance. Flatline's, and stuff like that will put the ball out further...but not neccesarilly with more accuracy, if the ball even breaks at the long distances.

Viking's will keep up with anything out there now. Especially with most fields being 12.5 now, they will keep up just fine. I believe Excal's are actually a little more limited on speed, but I don't know too much about them myself.

I've owned 4 Viking's myself, the fanciest was a Halfmill, and they all shot great. Very nice guns, very efficient, very fast. Besides weight, and size, there isn't anything the newer guns can do, that they cannot. Though milled AKA's can rival a lot of the "modern" guns in the weight department.

03-14-2011, 07:53 PM
You got all kinds of wrong information.

Most every gun shooting the same velocity, with a decent paint to bore match will shoot about the same distance. Flatline's, and stuff like that will put the ball out further...but not neccesarilly with more accuracy, if the ball even breaks at the long distances.

Viking's will keep up with anything out there now. Especially with most fields being 12.5 now, they will keep up just fine. I believe Excal's are actually a little more limited on speed, but I don't know too much about them myself.

I've owned 4 Viking's myself, the fanciest was a Halfmill, and they all shot great. Very nice guns, very efficient, very fast. Besides weight, and size, there isn't anything the newer guns can do, that they cannot. Though milled AKA's can rival a lot of the "modern" guns in the weight department.
Hey I'm sold on the viking . But anyone have one for sale? Thanks for all the help

03-14-2011, 10:02 PM
Check out the video and see what you think about Vikings keeping up.


03-14-2011, 10:17 PM
Yeah Ive shot both and now am the proud owner a dream gun of mine being a Highlander Viking. I have found the Excals to be a bit smoother just because of the 2 noids but I prefer the ease of the of the Viking only having one noid besides it feels like my Karni when shooting so Im used to the kick. And both guns will def keep up with todays modern egos and dyes if not surpass them I had my Vik on uncapped full auto with eyes on the other day and I can assure you with my rotor I was getting at least 25bps.

03-15-2011, 10:55 AM
20 bps is aout the limit for an excal.

03-15-2011, 11:02 AM
Wow mostpeople. You contained yourself. I'm impressed. :cool:

jk. I love vikings, but if you want to know about excal's mostpeople is the guy to talk to.

03-15-2011, 07:21 PM
I would compare my excal and viking to a Cadillac or a Corvette. They are very similar, but one rides smoother, and one rides faster/harder. Both will outperform your needs.

03-15-2011, 07:39 PM
I likey! What's the insurance like on a Viking?

03-15-2011, 08:29 PM
I own both , find good deals & buy 1 of each & make up your own mind , I like both for different reasons

03-16-2011, 09:19 AM
they are both a bit weighty, in that regard they do not keep up with modern guns.

i always enjoyed my excal. fun gun, thats for sure.

03-20-2011, 04:28 AM

Frizzle Fry
03-20-2011, 05:01 AM
they are both a bit weighty, in that regard they do not keep up with modern guns

In that sense they weigh a little more than modern guns. It has literally NOTHING to do with "keeping up".

03-20-2011, 05:54 AM
Both are great markers. My only problem with my Excal is that it is heavier than most other guns, even heavier than my E-Mag, so if you're weak I wouldn't recommend them.

Other than the weight, they can keep up with any modern marker and can take a better beating too.