View Full Version : The hidden great guns

02-12-2002, 03:44 PM
I've been on forums fo a long time now(i've only been on AO for about 4 weeks) and I'm wondering why some guns never get sold. I've shot many different types of guns and I've owned or played games with several different guns including such as:
adrenaline angel
stock basic cocker
piranhna 3 pro
Spyder shutter
PT extreme
Rebel deluxe
spyder compact
tippman 98(custom and m98)
classic mag
WGP dark raider(I've finally played a game with it!)
and more.

BUT I've notice something, the more unpopular a gun is the better it is. The piranhna worked better than the shutter. For some reason the Raider is working along with my mag. The only reason I can think of for this is that the mag is used and the raider is new. The message I'm trying to get out is that most people(not all) judge guns by their popularity. I've seen many posts and see people offering $300 guns and having people offer $50 for it just because they have no ide what it is. I've had a few offers(not on AO the ppl here are spectacular)for my raider when I tried to sell it that were around $50-70. PLEASE don't judge a gun you never heard of just because it's not popular. I know for one that the bruizers and the sharcs out perform most spyders, but people treat them like garbage. It really upset me when people posted their insulting offers even though they ad no idea what it was. I'd lie to know what people think and why you think people might do this. If you disagree with me please don't flam me just post what yo think in a mature way. I'm very curious. Is it because people never heard of it, people don't want to get a ripped off price, people are cheap, people just wanna post, people are just A**holes, or soemthing else?

LMK what you think,

02-12-2002, 04:05 PM
The best gun I have owned so far has been a Nova, I have had four of them, Nova 700, Super Nova, Nova 700 ET and super nova ET. Every single one of them worked flawlessly for me, never once did I have a problem. They were the quietest guns I have ever shot, among the most consistant too. They ran perfect on CO2, and even after rapid firing a full 20 oz tank in my super nova ET, to the point that the gun itself was covered in frost, I still chronoed in at +/-5 fps. Talk about amazing.


02-12-2002, 04:52 PM
i see what ur saying B.C. but i think its a little different... i think people form opinions about guns before really using one or actually researching them... most people know about most guns they just form false opinions about them. like people saying autocockers break alot or the mags are paint blenders

just my word:D

02-12-2002, 06:59 PM
well if you have owned an adrenalin you SHOULD know how to spell it

02-12-2002, 07:00 PM
Um.......What guns are underrated? There really arent many.

Not many people know Nu-Line went bankrupt and WGP bought them out....

"Dont judge a gun because you dont know what it is"

Good saying, but dont judge a person offering $50-$70 for it. Some people have valid arguments on every gun out there (I've had quite a few run-ins with problems on Bruizers and such).

02-12-2002, 07:06 PM
Cliffio - he said

Originally posted by ß.C.
I've owned or played games with several different guns

so i'm guessing he only played a game with one, not owned one.

02-12-2002, 07:29 PM
I NEVER OWNED MANY OF THOSE GUNS. I oplayed with them. My friend erik had an angel but then went back to cocker. When he still had his angel he let me use it. I've owned:

Tippman 98
dark raider
pt extreme
spyder shutter
68 automag

my bro has owned a few on hat list too and I use them sometimes too.