View Full Version : So I bought a Mini...

03-18-2011, 08:29 AM
Man, it's a fun little marker. Had some initial issues trying to figure how to turn the :cuss: thing on, and learned that taking the regulator apart can really affect the input pressure if not reassembled correctly, but overall pretty neat.

It's and Orange V2 (I think) and my first true electro. Probably going to take a couple part off, strip and polish them, but not figuring on much else until I get some field time with it.

I am curious about a couple of things. I think the trigger is pretty nice. Has full adjustability and a nice shape. It has a little side to side wiggle, but can't see how it would affect anything really, at least not at my level or lack thereof of trigger walking. Are aftermarket triggers really that much of an improvement on this?

Anything to watch out for with these? I did print out an instruction manual, and at 30 something pages, I was a little daunted. I have yet to get up the guts to take the thing fully apart. It has some REALLY little parts.

Automag ReTro
03-18-2011, 10:16 AM
Man, it's a fun little marker. Had some initial issues trying to figure how to turn the :cuss: thing on, and learned that taking the regulator apart can really affect the input pressure if not reassembled correctly, but overall pretty neat.

It's and Orange V2 (I think) and my first true electro. Probably going to take a couple part off, strip and polish them, but not figuring on much else until I get some field time with it.

I am curious about a couple of things. I think the trigger is pretty nice. Has full adjustability and a nice shape. It has a little side to side wiggle, but can't see how it would affect anything really, at least not at my level or lack thereof of trigger walking. Are aftermarket triggers really that much of an improvement on this?

Anything to watch out for with these? I did print out an instruction manual, and at 30 something pages, I was a little daunted. I have yet to get up the guts to take the thing fully apart. It has some REALLY little parts.

I know diddly squat about Mini's but my roommate had one for about 1 week until I convinced him to trade it in for his E-mag. I believe there is a piece somewhere in the reg, perhaps, called the check valve. The instructions say without the piece the gun will not function propely. The piece is TINY, like a quarter the size of a grain of rice. It was so small we didn't even know it was missing. So I would figure out what and where this piece is so you don't lose it, like he did.

03-18-2011, 10:19 AM
I believe there is a piece somewhere in the reg, perhaps, called the check valve. The instructions say without the piece the gun will not function propely. The piece is TINY, like a quarter the size of a grain of rice. .
It's actually sits between the body and the air transfer plate, but yeah it's a little sucker. I still have my E-mag(s), but wanted something a little lighter and better on air.

03-18-2011, 01:52 PM
i owned one i awhile ago and my friend still does. 1. they really really do not like cold and by cold i mean like any thing below 40-45*F. 2. rain of course is not good for it. 3.150-160 psi is as low a pressure you can have it shoot effectively. 4. if you pull the poppet out crank the velocity adjust all the way in while aired up then back it out. ( some of the older versions would not fire if you didnt do that) 5. if yours is like mine which i hope its not if you have problems they will probably keep coming up if nothing problematic happens have fun its a great marker. its a luck of the draw mine mini when i had it saw the field 3 times in a year the rest it was on the tech bench even after sending it to the manufacturer. but my friends we have never had a problem with accept he played with it in the rain and shorted out the switch on his board. but have fun with it either way. :cheers:

03-18-2011, 09:27 PM
I had one and my buddy said it was missing the check valve.
(I dont do electronic stuff)
He said it would work fine without it but eventually would tear up the bolt.
So I went to the local pro shop and ordered one.
The shop called KEE and they said Minis dont have the check valve any more and that
my buddy didnt know what he was talking about.
I got one anyways just in case.
I have no idea but its part number 22 here :



03-19-2011, 08:51 AM
After looking at that part breakdown i will never own a mini :rofl:

03-22-2011, 10:16 PM
been shooting Mini's since a few months after they hit the market - been from V1 to v3 parts. Can't say enough about how much I like them. At least 5 others peopel are shooting Minis at my local field because of how well mine have worked for me.

Initial V1s had their issues, but they have pretty much all been worked out. My current one seems to burn through a noid each year ( about 40k to 60k shots for me ) but at 35.00 for a noid and as simple as these guns are to work on.... meh who cares.

Other than that, keep the input around 180-200, bump the well abotu 5-8 clicks in the winter to offset the cold a little and they work great. As far as triggers, I have tried 5 or 6 different ones and my favorite is actually the Empire branded Invert Mini trigger, its wide, bearing trigger, and feels perfect.


Pic prior to a barrel upgrade and trigger swap for the above mentioned Empire trigger