View Full Version : Has AGD/Anyone ever tried this??

02-12-2002, 10:51 PM
I must know, i was thinking the other day, when my paint was curving, of a way to make paint go straighter. I dont know, if this would even help, but i was thinking, what if someone oiled up the inside of the barrel, it already appears to be lubricated but im talking some SERIOUS oil jobs. I havent taken physics yet(still in chem) but wouldnt that reduce friction, maybe lowering the PSI needed to propel the ball, and would it let it move much faster, so it would maintain a flatter, and straight trajectory(i know any paintball traveling 300 FPS will have same trajectory and distance, but its just a thought.) So had AGD ever tried this? How were the results, i think this can have an effect on the ball itself and may prove useful to the future of the paintball industry.

I feel i didnt have enough knowledge of physics and whatnot to put this into deep blue, it really isnt anything science related because i dont know how to calculate friction etc....so i put it in main, if a mod feels it belongs elsewhere, so be it.

02-12-2002, 10:58 PM
yeah, we'll let you be the first to dip your barrel in extra virgin olive oil and shoot your mag. I have a funny feeling the oil will make the ball curve, just a tad:rolleyes: Most balls already come with a coating of some type of oil, I still down't know what it does.....maybe it is for friction or maybe it's a preservative for the shell.

02-12-2002, 11:02 PM
Actually, i am consdering doing it with my stock spyder barrel for my compact 2000 and testing it out, i have 2 barrels the same size to compare with....my stock barrel and my brother's rebel stock barrel. I wouldnt put my mag barrel anywhere NEAR OIL, are you nuts?

02-12-2002, 11:04 PM
I put rainx on my barrel internals. It seems to do a good job...

02-13-2002, 12:17 AM
Regardless of whether the surface is more slick, it won't affect the trajectory or accuracy. The only thing it will do is require less air to accelerate the ball to 300fps. It will squeeze out a bit more efficiency, but not all that much.

J&J makes a barrel with a ceramic coating and people sometimes use rain-x to coat their barrel. The final result is that they shoot the same as any other barrel and the only benefit is they self-clean a bit better than a standard aluminum or SS barrel.

Keep in mind that 300fps is 300fps. It's the same amount of energy and as long as you have your coated and uncoated barrel chronoed in at 300fps, they'll shoot the same. If you were to use an uncoated barrel and chrono it in at 300fps and then replace with an identical bore barrel that has a lower friction surface using the same paint and velocity setting as before, you should notice a jump in velocity. That puts you over the legal limit, so you rechrono at 300fps and it shoots the same as the first barrel.