View Full Version : Really 36" barrel... Really?

04-21-2011, 07:10 PM
funny story, went to a local "pro shop" if you can call it that, its in a lawn and garden shop have few guns and fill HPA/cO2 and sell paint at a good price, for while now Iv been looking for people to play outlaw ball with cause its getting pricy at the field.

I see 3 guys in the parking lot getting ready to fill some tanks didn't recognize them from the field so I though awesome I'll ask where they play. they play in some guys back yard and stuff and have been in some woods ternies.

we get to talking and one says "yeah I'm getting a 98custom and decking it out, polishing the insides of it out and having tippmann make me a custom 36" barrel" :wow: .

If that's your thing what ever, I expressed my feelings on the matter letting him know its not going to help the paintball go any farther "I know it just looks cool" he said.

I don't even want to think of how much hes going to have to crank his gun up just to push the paintball out that thing, maybe not I'm not sure.

He then asked me if I had heard of a TM15? (I think that's what he called it, if not doesn't matter) "it 450$ but they say it shoots twice as far and hits harder then the 98 custom, but for double the money it better do something right?"

Well I held back a bunch, after all I didn't want to argue with them in the hopes they call me and I get to play some backyard paintball with them. So I left it at that exchanged digits and went on my way.

The ride home all I could think about is from the SNL skit "really guy really, 36 inches really.. really..."

Anyway Ill be getting a Chrono before I even think about playing with them, pretty sure they don't check their guns...

04-21-2011, 08:13 PM
God I hate dipsticks like that. There's a small rec field that I play at sometimes and the owner, yes the owner, of the field that has an old 98 all sniper'd out with a 20"+ barrel and crap. I think he's messing with the noobs, but overheard a couple of the refs talking about the gun like it was some lazer shooting uber sniper weapon. I don't go to that field as often anymore.

04-21-2011, 08:31 PM
I think we've all been there. Have played where I could here the balls whistling past my head from 150'+ away. That resulted in no chrono, no play. I received a shot to my forehead playing speedball that resulted in a serious welt and concussion. Can't say if he was shooting hot or what. I came around the bunker and was put to my knees. Staggering from the field with marker in the air, my teammates asked if I was alright. They ushered me to the mirror, where I found a handball sized welt on my forehead.

04-21-2011, 08:43 PM
Some pro shops are no better, I had a tech tell me I neeeded a Cocker because they shot farther than the spyder e99 I bought as my first "real" marker.

I have heard techs tell all kinds of stories, from what upgrades do. So its no wonder new players come up with these kinds of stories. :tard:

Frizzle Fry
04-21-2011, 09:52 PM
Some pro shops are no better, I had a tech tell me I neeeded a Cocker because they shot farther than the spyder e99 I bought as my first "real" marker.

In 98 I can remember they shot a little "better" because you were forced to better match your bore to your paint or you had constant rollouts. Most spyder slingers were tossing whatever in there because they didn't have such a terrible reminder of a bad paint/bore match. That's one of my theories anyway.

Tropical Life
04-21-2011, 10:47 PM
Cant stand Tippmanns, I had a A5 all fully e-gripped out the works, just didnt perform to what I thought it would do( way loud also). As for bad damage done to me the 1st time I stepped into a "Chrono'd field" and played a game I got shot by a lil 12 year old kid with a $1000+ Angel right in the neck all I gotta say it cut me up real nice. My gat at the time was a Spider SE decked out lol.

My point is if you play chrono'd or open woods anything over 200 fps hitting your open flesh area/ skin will cut or bruise, just wear good gear and let them crank it up thats how I roll when I play at my renegade field.

Courgar Hunter
04-22-2011, 02:06 AM
I think these types of " Players " if you would like to call them that need guidance and it's everywhere. Here in Phoenix, AZ it's really horrible and I say this because I work at a local shop and we get the Hispanic customers that just want to hurt each other with their guns.

They go out to the river bottom down the road and go at it, the top three questions I am asked.

# 3. Will my paintballs freeze if I put them in my freezer ?

#2. Will that gun shoot harder then this gun ?

And the #1. Question I am asked by the moron in the ghetto iiiiiis.

Where on my gun is the knob to turn it up to hit him harder so it hurts mo ?

I blame the media and corporate america for mass producing the garbage that was in or still is in walmart,big 5, target, sports authority, dicks sporting goods, and Craigslist.

04-22-2011, 11:16 AM
Bud Orr, the guy who made cockers, was up here in AK for a tourney in 98. Brought up a 42" barrel he made just to prove how dumb some players could be. Was 12" then stepped as I recall. But sure enough a guy offered him a $100 for it so he sold it so he wouldn't have to fly with it.

That cocker only got 300 shots per 20 oz tank. Crazy. But the guy was so proud of it he used it for woods ball until he caught the tip running over a dead fall and got launched over the gun like a pole vault. Back of the gun was a mess

Tropical Life
04-22-2011, 11:20 AM
([QUOTE=Courgar Hunter]I think these types of " Players " if you would like to call them that need guidance and it's everywhere. Here in Phoenix, AZ it's really horrible and I say this because I work at a local shop and we get the Hispanic customers that just want to hurt each other with their guns.

They go out to the river bottom down the road and go at it, the top three questions I am asked.

# 3. Will my paintballs freeze if I put them in my freezer ?

#2. Will that gun shoot harder then this gun ?

And the #1. Question I am asked by the moron in the ghetto iiiiiis.

Where on my gun is the knob to turn it up to hit him harder so it hurts mo ?)

I understand what your saying Courgar, but from my experience 90's-2000 playing with different ethnic groups. I gotta say all groups I have played with in my majority of woods playing, I have seen all groups want to achieve the I wanna hurt you vibe.

Most players like the"down the river ones by you" that play in renegade fields know what they are stepping into anyways, if not they would just go to a controlled field. Which again anything over 200 fps is gonna hurt you if it makes contact to open area.

The paintball in freezer question atleast here in Miami when you ask that question you are instantly labeled as a moron.

True story- I seen a custom automag cranked up so high that it cracked a pair of JT googles on a player once, not a proud story for the industry but it did happen.

Courgar Hunter
04-23-2011, 12:58 AM
I should have not specified because yes you are right all ethnic groups, I tend to be a very blunt person sometimes and don't censor myself.

bound for glory
04-23-2011, 11:44 AM
hold on there, boys. not all outlaw feilds are dangerous. i played at a backfeild club for years, back in new jersey. the guy who owned the woodlot had 2 cronos and would house any trouble makers.
and as for the 36" barrel...i never shoot anything over 10".

Frizzle Fry
04-23-2011, 04:07 PM
I should have not specified because yes you are right all ethnic groups, I tend to be a very blunt person sometimes and don't censor myself.
I agree, it's a generalization and maybe should be avoided, but it has nothing to do with ethnicity and a lot to do with cultural values. I work in the videogame industry and play a lot of paintball - I see the same thing all the time.

True story- I seen a custom automag cranked up so high that it cracked a pair of JT googles on a player once, not a proud story for the industry but it did happen.
What kind of modifications? I can't seem to get a mag over 350 or so without it pissing down the barrel or out the back of the valve...

04-23-2011, 04:39 PM
True story- I seen a custom automag cranked up so high that it cracked a pair of JT googles on a player once, not a proud story for the industry but it did happen.

After a certain FPS aren't you pushing against the terminal velocity (structual capibilities?) of the ball resulting in significant aerodinamic problems? I feel like any gun I see cranked to hell shoots like it's got a messed up apex tip.

Would it be more likely for crappy wally world paint and an old lens?

04-23-2011, 04:51 PM
Over the years (at least 8) that I have been involved in paintball as a player, as a ref, and as just a guy in public sporting a hat with paintball on it, I have come across my fair share of these "types" of players. And always in the back of my mind I am beating my head against the proverbial brick wall when I hear them talk about their 36" barrels and freezing their paintballs etc, etc...

I Find the best method to talk some kind of sense into them and hope that it sticks, as opposed to tearing into them like you know they might deserve, is talking to people like this as if they were children (regardless of their age). for example.. If a guy told me he just got a 57" flat-line barrel with laser scope i would respond with something like "that's cool, but you know that you loose efficiency, range and accuracy after 16 inches right? blah blah blah" and inform them of the downsides to their poor equipment choices without outright telling them they suck and they wasted their money on stupid crap.

There's no real reason to be short or rude to people who are "uneducated" about the sport. You have to stay positive with newer, inexperienced players because look at it this way... their already psyched to be playing paintball. And if they have positive experiences just talking about paintball, even if in disagreement, they will be even more psyched and prone to be more interested in learning about the sport and so on and so forth..

And that's just my experience, and it doesn't always work for all players you may encounter with this outlook.


04-23-2011, 05:37 PM
I usually state "Hey, lemme know how that works out" and let them figure it out on their own, they'll ask more legitimate questions eventually and work through ther issues on their own.

Tropical Life
04-23-2011, 09:40 PM
I agree, it's a generalization and maybe should be avoided, but it has nothing to do with ethnicity and a lot to do with cultural values. I work in the videogame industry and play a lot of paintball - I see the same thing all the time.

What kind of modifications? I can't seem to get a mag over 350 or so without it pissing down the barrel or out the back of the valve...

Long time ago Frizzle dont recall, but I do know the valve was opened up more some how to allow more air to push thru. Thats all the info the guy had given me at the time I was fairly new to the sport.

04-24-2011, 05:03 AM
Outrageously long barrels can be fun. Here's a photo of my super sniper gun.


04-24-2011, 09:41 AM
I played with a bunch of guys one time that had a crazy buddy. Said crazy buddy showed up with an avenger, weedeater goggles and an aluminum collapsible push broom handle, that he would adjust, to make "those long shots".

We play in an industrial setting, and it wasn't to hard to bust his knuckles when that 40" barrel was leading him around the corners.

He absolutely loved getting beat up though. Some people don;t have much going for them. I put one on his chin and we agreed as a group that he had to armor up or go home.

05-08-2011, 09:26 PM
When I first bought my Minimag, it was leaking all over the place like a sloppy mess. I brought it to the local shop where the guy there teched it up real nice for me (this was when I knew NOTHING about mags, he actually had a parts kit on hand for it, i was impressed).

The first shot outta that gun was a re-ball.. which went THROUGH, yes, THROUGH the first layer of a pair of JT pants.. We both kind stood there, shocked, then had a laugh and he tried to sell me a recently discounted pair of JT pants! haha

Long story short.. whoever I bought this thing off of was an idiot! Some kid out in the boonies, ah well.

05-08-2011, 10:14 PM
Back in the day when we played outlaw ball in the woods (late 90's) our group had 2 tippmans, a spyder, a Raptor, an Automag, an ACI Mavrick, and a Brass Eagle Talon. We used CO2, of course, and shake & bake hoppers... and $100+ cases of paint. Man, was HPA and paint expensive back then.

We typically adjusted velocity on all them together before the games until "they looked about right". We didn't have enough money for a chrono. One day I knocked a buddy out with a headshot using one of the tippmanns (a Prolite, I think). We chronoed it some time later at a real field and it was shooting like 400+ fps when you got it to suck CO2 into the valve.

Ever wanna lay some HOT shots with old school markers?
Use an antisyphon CO2 tank unscrewed 1/2 turn and a nice long unported barrel.

05-09-2011, 05:35 AM
I've played this game since '91 and Reffed since '93. I have seen it all from 3 ft barrels to hammerhead fins only. I was at Wayne's world one year and a guy with a Spyder,"1"'s there called now had a machine shop and had made himself a 30' barrel. All set up like a 50 bmg and showing it off big time. Come game time he walked out on the field and left the mess in the command post and played with a stock prolite. Intimidation was his main goal. I've been hunted down on a field because I brought a SL=68 to try and everyone knew I was crazy for pumping among the cockers and mags. My Mag used to shoot just as far at 275 fps and I never had leaks or barrel breaks and still broke balls on the other end. Some of these pain happy morons have been pretty much the death of paintball in my area. Now with all the cheap electro's it's all about how much paint can I waste per hit and if it shoots harder all the better. I believe in grow up or get out! M big red chrono goes with me everywhere and I try to teach that "Normal field speed of 280 fps is still around 190MPH. and will still screw up your "buddy" at point blank range. They've never seem to understand the 20 ft rule. If you don't want to surrender that's your choice, at least offer! Rants over. time to put the soap box away.