View Full Version : grip frame

04-27-2011, 10:55 PM
I know this is all preference and what someone likes I might not but I'd like to see what everyone likes when it comes to grip frames. I'm not a huge fan of the intelliframe. I have a ver frame coming in a week or so but I'm not used to a vertical frame. I do like the way an ego star frame feels. Can anyone chip in that maybe has used all of these or maybe most of them. The airwalk frame looks cool and probably might feel good in my hands also.

04-28-2011, 08:13 AM
IF you want, why not just use the Ego Star frame on your mag. Converting an automag into an electropneumatic is probably most commonly done with an Ego frame. Search around for "Ego Mag".

And don't get the Airwalk frame. I hear the guy that designed it is like... totally lame and stuff.
He's like, a total n00b... not agg at all. :ninja:

04-28-2011, 12:18 PM
Yep its totally what you like and feels right to you. I have a z grip have not played with it but it seems very comfy holding it. it like to try the y grip. But yeah stay away from the airwalk those suck. :rolleyes:
Now airwalk v2 would love to get my hands on one of those and the stormwalk frame is damn hot. That guy knew what he was doing.

04-28-2011, 12:50 PM
what do you guys think about the logic ump frame

04-28-2011, 04:14 PM
I have a UMF, and I love it... but only because of the integrated rail on the bottom. It if wasn't for that, I would probably trade it. There's only one trigger for it (a boring flat one), and it's too long for shorter rails. The interior space is also pretty cramped. For the same price, there are some much nicer options out there (like the Triton). Back when I bought the frame, those options didn't exist.

The Airwalk is a nice frame too, of course (in case you haven't picked up on the sarcasm). But then again... so's the vert frame. And the triton frame.

That's the only "problem" with mags. There's SO MANY options to choose from, and even when you finally make up your mind, you second-guess yourself and buy more stuff just because you're convinced that there must be a better option out there somewhere.

Just take it one step at a time... weigh all the different pros and cons of the fames... and make your choice. When you do pick something, though, do yourself the favor and play a couple of times with it. It might feel weird at first, but it's like a new car. You might not be used to the way it handles right away, but give it a couple of months and it will feel like it's part of you.

04-28-2011, 05:47 PM
what do you guys think about the logic ump frame

UMF is, hands down, my favorite frame.
More vertical than an intelliframe but without the long mength of a "vert frame". It also has a gigantic trigger frame for easy walking and the wide trigger has no wobble/play.

04-28-2011, 06:07 PM
My fav is the Dye UL frame. most comfy hands down.

I had UMF, and i didnt like it, my ring finger always rubbed around that notch under the guard.

I would like my ego frame more if i could put stickies on it.

never used any of the 90* vert frames.

CCM 45 is def a nice feeling frame.

Zone Drifter
04-30-2011, 07:42 AM
I like the RPG Triton frame best, kind of a vert with some 45 styling to it.

Dark Side
04-30-2011, 11:12 AM
I prefer the *86 frames; but lately I have been leaning towards my FBM DM5 framed viking. Just something about it. If someone would make a *86 frame with a hump, I'd be all over it.