View Full Version : Everyone is invited to AO day in VA @ PEV'S paintball

02-13-2002, 11:38 AM
Ok, this is more or less to finalize the plans for AO day in VA.

We will be meeting at Pev?s (www.pevs.com) in Woodbridge (near Potomac Mills Mall/1&1/2 north of Richmond) on Sunday February 24th. Everyone is invited to join us and I am expecting probably 10 members of AO (plus I will have about 10 guys with me). This is just for fun and to meet some of the other peeps from AO.

I personally am expecting to get to pev?s around 9:30. That of course is stricktly a target time.

Just to let you know a little bit about pev?s they are a non-field paint field (if you have your own gear). If you rent you have to purchase their paint. I believe a case of 32* team colors is $60/65. Also if you have your own gear it is $10 for admission (does not include air). If you need air/co2, you will have to purchase each fill there. Now fills can add up, so I think they have a card you can purchase for like 20 bucks and has 5 fills on it (but don?t quote me on that, check out their site).
I personally have a scuba tank and don?t have any qualms about filling a tank or two (if the price is right :)). I also will be picking up 32* team colors paint from local store in Richmond (splat brothers) for $50-55 a case. If you are interested in me picking up an extra case or two, just let me know (kevin1024@mindspring.com).

If you are coming, sound off on this thread. I would like to know who all will be there.

If you don?t own a mag, don?t bother to show your ugly face :) (just kidding, all lesser quality guns are invited).

P.s.******you now have to use a barrel condom, they no longer allow you to use barrel plugs!!!!

02-13-2002, 12:32 PM
Just a note to point out......

I believe they've raised there field fee to 15.00.

Oh, by the way, count me in!

02-13-2002, 01:28 PM
defenetly buy a barrel condum somewhere else, it's WWAAYY overpriced at the field.

BTW, Kev, i'm prolly comming.

Originally posted by momags!
Just a note to point out......

I believe they've raised there field fee to 15.00.

Oh, by the way, count me in!
They are always changing their prices, last year i think it was $10 plus $5 for a JT arm band which was required to play. You would just trade armbands if you switch teams later on in teh day.

02-13-2002, 01:40 PM
I'm in.

Just to let people know a few things about Pevs.

If you play there frequently, you can purchase a prepaid field fee card for $75 that is good for 10 trips. That is half off the normal field fee.

You can also purchase an air fill card for $20. I believe it has 8 or 10 fills for a 3000psi tank, I can't remember specifically. I do know that it was a good bit cheaper than paying cash per fill, and a card is easier to carry around than cash. Both the field fee cards and the air fill cards are available ONLY at the Pevs stores. They are NOT available at the field.

Paint is alot cheaper at the store than at the field. I think team colors is about $55 a case at the store, which is ten dollars a case cheaper than at the field.

There is a Pevs store a little more than one mile north of the Pevs field on route 1. If you are going north it is on the left side. However, the store is not open on Sundays so you should go ahead of time if you want to get field fee cards, air cards or paint before AO sunday.

See you all at AO day!

02-13-2002, 01:50 PM
ok well i thought for sure i was going, but now there is a problem i got in trouble yesterday for my grades. im goign to talk to my parents tonight and see if i can go. hopefully they will let me. if i go im probably taking 2 other people. another cocker and a emag. is there a place where everyone will be meeting? would anyone be able to get a hyperball field for our group? atleast 2 game. that would be cool.

02-13-2002, 04:04 PM
AGD-Acolyte, thanks for clearing that up.

I would be willing to bet that if we have a big enough group we can get the ref's to let us play a game or two by our selves.
Tell your parents that the two other guys are depending on you. Plus you might want to give it a few days for them to cool off before you ask them (perhaps after you do a bunch of extra chors around the house this weekend ;))

c-ya all there :)

Major Ho
02-13-2002, 08:34 PM
Hoo Ah! Count me in cap'n. I also shall be bringing along a bunch of folk from school, not sure on head count. Ill bring my scuba too! Im sure the new guys wont like having to fork over more cash for a B.condum.

02-13-2002, 10:25 PM
excellent ho, i was worried you weren't going to be able to play.

Don't forget my elbow ;)

02-14-2002, 12:06 AM
Ok I'll try to fill in the blanks here guys.

Ok Barrel Condoms are required. We sell them at the stores for $5.95 + Tax, the field dosent have a cash register so they just round up so it's not a PITA to deal with. So at teh field you pay $7 for that condom.

As for fill cards -

All cards but Field fee are $20

3000 psi - 8 fills Saves $10 @ Field $5 @ Store
4500 psi - 5 fills Saves $10 @ Field $5 @ Store
20 oz - 6 fills Saves $10 @ Field $5 @ Store
16 oz - 8 fills Saves $10 @ Field $5 @ Store
12 oz - 10 fills Saves $10 @ Field $5 @ Store

Field Fee $75 - 10 PrePaid Fees

As for paint @ the Stores -

Team Colors is $55
Marb is $68
Slam is $70
Big Ball is $53
Blaze is $58
Inferno is $68

I will most likely have team pratice, But you guys and the Jersey guys need to work together to get a killer event together :)


02-14-2002, 04:49 PM
Rob, since when is 32* team colors 55? I was charged 65 last month.

Are you going to be able to put up the AGD banner this time?

Will you be practicing there?

Major Ho
02-15-2002, 10:31 AM
you got charged 65? LOL, that kinda sucks dude, Im pretty sure its almost always been 55. sometimes cheaper with the paint of the week deals. Can i buy one of those banners? the blue/black minimag/automag banner. It would go well in my room and I could use that as the calling card for the AO meeting.

02-15-2002, 11:18 AM
If you BUY at the field its more expensive, the prices I quoted are if you goto one of teh 5 shops to buy it.

$65 maybe the price at the field, I couldnt quote you field prices if my life depended on it as I dont pay :)

Ho Stop by the shop and I'll LOAN you my banner.


02-15-2002, 11:44 AM
hey ho, can you take care of the banner seeing as that you live closer?

Are you going to be there practicing on the day of the meeting Rob?
I would still like to meet you.
I have met ho before, and i have to say i wasn't impressed :D

Major Ho
02-15-2002, 11:57 AM
LOL. You dork, now youre not getting your elbow back... Of course Ill take care of the banner. Just kinda hoped Rob would be there so I could attempt to tag him once...

02-15-2002, 07:02 PM
your not the only one that wanted a shot at the "great" (i use the term loosley :p) Rob.

But looks like i might have to setle for shooting some ho's :D

02-16-2002, 11:21 PM
ok well my parents are to mad anymore after valentines day(flowers and a card always helps). but i think i just might be able to go. but the guy with the emag wont be able to make it. so there is one less mag. ill try to talk to them about it.

02-17-2002, 06:42 PM
sounds good matt, hope to see you there.

02-17-2002, 07:50 PM
Hey Cave, dont worry about an elbow, I included 2 with your package, besides you wont need em, you'll be using a warp fed Mini that day anyway

02-17-2002, 07:51 PM
I'm gonna miss that marker.

02-17-2002, 10:07 PM
Im there! And so is my friend who has a mag.

Ohhh yeahhh duffman

02-19-2002, 06:49 PM
Hey i'm going, i'm not a mag user, i respect them though, my teammates gotta emag and i resepct it =P. i'm going with cockermatt so if he don't go, well i guess i'll see you guys in the future, so matt
oh btw, dude you gotta call me man..... hope to see you all there laters..

02-19-2002, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by p8ntballervirus
Hey i'm going, i'm not a mag user, i respect them though, my teammates gotta emag and i resepct it =P. i'm going with cockermatt so if he don't go, well i guess i'll see you guys in the future, so matt
oh btw, dude you gotta call me man..... hope to see you all there laters..

Davin and Matt, hope to see you guys there, i'm looking forward to playing w/ u guys :)

02-19-2002, 07:13 PM
Excellent guys, can wait to see all you guys there. NA, i still have to get my elbow from ho, otherwise i will smack da ho :)
I can't wait to try my new set up. It's gana be wicked. I got a retro warp body and bunches of extras from NA today, so i will be spending saturday in my garage putting together a new set up. I now technically have two warp fed mags, but soon one will be for sale (the non retro one of course).
But i gata figure out weather i will like my hyperframe, z-grip, or new intellifeed frame with my new retro best. But you guys will see it then.

My crew "should" be arriving at pev's around 9:30-9:45. Ho or RT, save me a good parking spot along the wood line if you can. The rest of my caravan can find their own spots. I will probably have about 3-5 car loads of people with me.

c-yall there ;)

02-19-2002, 07:31 PM
If ya decide to go Hyperframe, the best thing to do is send it to Centerflag, that way it will be right from the get go. My roomy just sent his out last week, it worked fine when he got it, but developed probs from tinkering with it, hopefully it will be ok when it comes back.

02-19-2002, 07:51 PM
ok first off, i got a cocker, yes i'm on ao with a cocker (i'm 1 of many) mags are tight, so are cocker

btw, i might b young, short, but i got plenty of advantages, and my gun is spanky, just needs new body and internals, so john, i'm gonna put one in your neck, your mask, and go far the balls =), and if matts on the other team, BUNKER lol i talk big but you'll see, i'm really gonna hav fun =)

02-19-2002, 08:42 PM
aight well things are looking better from the last time i was on here. looks like more people are going and it looks like ill be one of those people. welp i gotta go hope to see everyone there.

02-20-2002, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by p8ntballervirus
just needs new body and internals,

isn't that pretty much the entire cocker except the barrel? :)

ok, so while your gun is messed up, i might let you use my spare mag and show you how a real baller shoots:)

02-20-2002, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by p8ntballervirus
ok first off, i got a cocker, yes i'm on ao with a cocker

Most of us are.. Me, Ho, Davin(you), Matt, Alex (Dark Ripper)...

Originally posted by p8ntballervirus
so jon, i'm gonna put one in your neck, your mask, and go far the balls =)

haha, i still maybe crippled by then.. but we'll see who's splatting on who :).

02-20-2002, 08:25 PM
ya but see john, if your not there, man i'll run to your house kick open your door, and scream RAMBO shoot you in your nuts, neck, chest, FOOT, hehe...not face though, well maybe i'lll throw a mask at you first but YOU'LL GET YOURS JOHN

02-20-2002, 10:32 PM
i sense some hostillity :D

02-21-2002, 05:37 PM
Ok, all of you guys coming and using nitro, i will have several scuba tanks for everyone to get air from if they want.

But just to cover my costs for rental i will need to get some $$$. So figure $8 bucks for all day air.

02-21-2002, 07:47 PM
$8 thats a steal im definatly going to pay

Major Ho
02-21-2002, 09:01 PM
Hey man, dont be stealing my customers. I got my own scuba too :p Im gonna steal all your Biz Naz and laugh at you when Im done. No im just playing, i want to squeeze every lb. of pressure from my tank for myself as I can. This is gonna be an awesome weekend...

02-21-2002, 09:33 PM
well i asked my dad and he says we'll talk about it later. so in about 10 min im going to go talk to him. hopefully he will say yes and ill be there on sunday. by the way how many scuba's are going to be there? i have a 4500 tank but i guess 3k will be fine. oh well beats paying $6 for a fill. that much will fill a scuba. i really need one. anyone wanna sell me a tank?

02-22-2002, 12:11 PM
i will have mine, plus i think i am going to rent two more just to set up a nice cascade system and have plenty of air for everyone :)

02-22-2002, 12:23 PM
well great news i can go this sunday. i just gotta go to pevs either today or tomorrow to get paint. kevin thats awsome. what size tanks are you getting? you just going to leave them out the whole day? what time does everyone think they are going to leave?

02-22-2002, 01:25 PM
Ill try to stop by. Ill see if a bud wants to join. Hes almost pro so he will try to help w=me out a little since i am still a newb. Laters