View Full Version : Footbag,

05-08-2011, 12:18 AM
Greetings AO'ers.

Once upon a time, I was an active poster/serious lurker around these parts, and since then have shifted my interests to "professional hacky sack", or, footbag. I released a new video yesterday, and wanted you as a community to see it.


I'm glad to see that AO is still active, and such a great community is still around to support the legend, and the reason I went into engineering, Tom Kaye.. I realize link this isn't in the taste of many of you, but I'm sure many have played hacky sack here and there, and might not realize what else it can be.


05-08-2011, 07:12 AM
Holy crap dude!!
That's some fancy footwork.
Was that your first time playing too? :rolleyes: