View Full Version : AGD, i have a question...

02-13-2002, 04:11 PM

i know this has been tossed around before, but i just had to ask. i was just wondering if there was now an eta on when the cut and carved version of the extreme body was going to be ready as an upgrade to existing emag owners along with the ace and approximately how much it would cost for us to upgrade. would we be sending our emags into you for the upgrade (i'm assuming that we would to match the anno of the custom aluminum body along with the trigger frame and battery pack of the regular emags)? thank you for your time.


jae park

02-13-2002, 04:23 PM
Well I'm not TK, but from what I've read........

He has said that AGD isn't set up to deal with custom anno at this time. Maybe with the aluminum bodies this will change, but he has stated that in the past. The might sell you the raw body so you can send everything to be anno'd, but one way or another it will have to go back to AGD because the firmware in the E-mag board will have to be upgraded, I think someone said it will be version 2.0.

Hopefully TK will reply with an ETA, because it will give me a rough idea when the C+C E-mags will be ready, and I can start looking for somewhere to preorder one from. :)

02-13-2002, 05:02 PM

i'm hoping the eta is going to be sometime soon. i was running around with the emag with warp/halo setup and it is a little heavy (i bench 245 lbs, so i'm not a complete wimp) after a day of playing. i'm not sure how much the aluminum body will shave off in the weight department, but i'm hearing that the people with the sfl's notice quite a difference. it would be great if agd can do the anno, but if not, its no biggy.


jae park