View Full Version : Laser Engravers

05-23-2011, 11:59 AM
Hey everyone... I'm looking for someone to do some engraving....

I dont know who offers the service so I don't know where to start looking so I figured I would call on my fellow AOers for some help.

If you guys know a reputable laser engraver or engraving company, please feel free to post up...

And just in case the info is necessary.. I just need the "X-Valve" and Serial number(etc) put back on the valve after i get it back from ano along with maybe a couple little things...

Thanks in advance for any help!

05-23-2011, 12:05 PM
Only one that I've heard anything decent about is Kohn sports.

But BigE knows someone. Hit him up.

05-23-2011, 12:20 PM
I will hopefully be using lasermygun.com soon for some work :ninja: . Dan seems like a cool dude and he communicates well.

05-23-2011, 12:57 PM
I will hopefully be using lasermygun.com soon for some work :ninja: . Dan seems like a cool dude and he communicates well.
let me know how that goes!

and ill send BigE a message


05-24-2011, 12:13 AM
Tiki's Paintball in Tampa FL did my Mini. I do not know if they are still in the business, but a couple of those guys worked for Kohn before he went all "big time"


05-24-2011, 04:51 PM
does kohn still do work?

05-24-2011, 06:17 PM
Swcblues on mcb also does laser engraving. You would have to ship it up here for that though.

05-24-2011, 07:43 PM
does kohn still do work?

Yeah they are one of the major players - supposedly they have their annp line up and running as well.

I was just shocked at their prices for a small amount of custom work


05-24-2011, 08:47 PM
dont know if he is still taking on work but look here


05-24-2011, 09:39 PM
Tiki's Paintball in Tampa FL did my Mini. I do not know if they are still in the business, but a couple of those guys worked for Kohn before he went all "big time"


Both Tikis Paintball and Kohn Sports are local to me.
Never had any engraving done by either.
I've bought gear from Kohns in the past when they used to have a paintball store.

And I now buy most of my paint, once in a while some gear from Tikis.
They are my "go to" pro shop for my electronic markers.

Tikis 813-571-1300

Kohn 800-276-5646

Both are reputable.


05-25-2011, 04:49 AM
GH: do you have a link to a website or email address? where are they out of?

thanks for the info btw!


05-25-2011, 02:26 PM
GH: do you have a link to a website or email address? where are they out of?

thanks for the info btw!


Tikis Paintball is in Brandon Fl.


I dont see an email on the site, just the phone number 813-571-1300.

Kohn Sports is in Tampa .


[email protected]

EDIT: I forgot I did get Kohns to put the X and serial back on an Xvalve after I had it anodized a while back, I believe it was in 09.



He had a tough time getting to to show up at all going back on the same spot that
the engraving was on before anodizing.
And couldnt get the serial to go on the back valve half at all.
Seems the two valve halves are different grades of aluminum.
