View Full Version : Pump madness!

the mag guy
06-11-2011, 10:22 PM
So I brought my grey ghost set up for stock class to legends paintball today. I was the only
pump gun there, I played against everything from rental tippmanns to etek3s and all I can say is.... Holy cow I had a blast!!! The kills are so gratifying, the gun is so light, playing pump made me Play better and smarter. No more spray and pray! Honestly it took a few games to adjust to playing so under gunned but I am freakin hooked. I only shot 100 balls today and used 5 co2 canisters! I never tired of the funny looks I got walking on to the field with the grey ghost, 90% of the people didn't know what it even was. It's definitely more challenging, but so much more rewarding. After walking off the field it was isnstant respect. We didn't lose a game all day, I had nothing but the best teammates, two of which were fellow maggers! We didn't have a single electro and we wrecked shop on all 5 fields all day! Here's a tip of my hat to all the pump players, ya'll know where it's freakin' at!!!

06-12-2011, 01:23 AM
Couldn't agree more. Which is sad because it means all my pretty electro's just sit around collecting dust. :cry:

But at least they can hear stories from my pump karni when he gets home from war.

06-12-2011, 02:45 PM
I also just started playing pump with a old school Trracer. In addition to how light it is and being able sprint across the field like a track star, I love how easy it is to clean my marker at the end of the day. With the marker being so compact and small, it is rare to get a marker shot. So cleaning up takes not time at all at the end of the day :clap: