View Full Version : Which color for Angel?

02-13-2002, 11:46 PM
Soon I am going to buy an Angel IR3 and I cant decide on what colors I should get.

This is the setup:
IR3 Silver or Blue
Freak Silver or Blue/Aluminum or Stainless
Mac-Dev Maximizers Silver or Black
Intellifeed Hopper Black
CP Buttons Chrome or Black
Dye Tank Cover Black or Blue
PMI 68/4.5k Tank -
System-X On/Off Cradle Chrome or Black
DEZigns Bolt Ertalyte Open Face
Ark S.S. Hammer -

Later this year when I get the money I am going to get an SFL E-Mag

02-14-2002, 03:27 PM
i wouldn't get the bolt or S.S. hammer.
other than that it looks nice

02-14-2002, 09:28 PM
I only partially agree with mac. I would definately get the dezignz open faced ertalyte. It is more consistant but thats all you'll get. Its also made of ertalyte which swells less than delrin.

02-14-2002, 10:16 PM
those are the 2 main reasons i want the bolt for the consistancy and less swelling(here in houston it gets really hot and humid in the summer and causes paint and bolts to swell alot)

but i would like to ask why a no to the hammer

02-14-2002, 11:05 PM
Get it acidwashed in blue, I always wanted a gun in that color, it just looks so cool!

02-15-2002, 09:54 AM
on the IR3 because it uses a new design for the bolt.

There's a slot milled into the bottom of the bolt that stops it from hitting the COPS sensor in the breech.

The standard LCD New Designz bolts wont fit.


02-15-2002, 03:14 PM
i know the difference in bolts but the guy at DEZigns said they will have IR3 bolts

02-15-2002, 03:46 PM
well all i can say is that WDP made the bolt the way it is, and works fine for me, i've tried many bolt it all my angels, and no they don't shoot more consistently, or whatever, they look different... but hey what do i know?

and i wouldn't get a s.s. hammer because there is no need for it, if any hting it could cause problems, plus i think they have slightly redeigned the hammers and the LCD hammers might not work? i'm not too sure on that.

just do what ever ya think'll improve your game.

02-15-2002, 03:58 PM
About the hammer. WDP designed a brass hammer to wear out faster than I believe the SS valve pin that it hits. The hammer shouldnt smash into the body of the gun, if its set up properly of course. I just don't find that you should rip the gun apart to put the new hammer in when the brass one works good enough. If you clean the gun and inspect it regularly then you wont have to worry about the brass shavings. If and when it does wear out and you need a new hammer then I would say get one. I think that the SS hammer is heavier and may take some more UMPH to get it going and you may need to adjust the MROF( max rate of fire or dwell settings. Just a though, I am not an angel tech.

Oh yeah, heat and humidity aren't the only contributing factor to delrin swelling....oil also causes it to swell.