View Full Version : D-day 2011 Highlight Reel

06-28-2011, 03:37 PM
First post and first thread over here. Just picked up a classic RT from sQuidvision the other day. Used it for the first time on Sunday. It's in the video for a little bit, so I thought I'd share.

Copied and pasted from X7OG.

Alright. D-day 2011 Highlight Reel.

This is from a local game that our chapter attended. 150 people. Not a lot, but the fields are smaller, so you get that big game feel without having to walk miles. For those interested, the field is Special Forces Paintball, in Buffalo, Minnesota.

The game was like, 8 hours long or something like that, so needless to say, I have a lot of footage. sQuid would have had a lot more, but his card filled up. Luckily, he got one of his coolest moments on film, which is the final moment of the video. The rest of the video is a lot of my eliminations, for the most part. I longballed a lot during the game, as I was also organizing a lot of my groups movement on the field.

The longest parts come when we switched to Axis, and were holding the beach. Boats of 6-10 came in, and we just continually destroyed them. The middle two, I owned, as I had a great angle.

That first marker, is my new warped RT. Second marker, I believe, was sQuids new Ego, which I was in love with, obviously. At the beach, you get to see a quick view of sQuids pump mag in action. I think my phenom was next. Lastly, is the only video from sQuid. It's with his new TPX, with my stiffi barrel. Oh, and mixed in there, are the anti-tank launchers used by Vamp and Carnage.

Alright. Enough talk. Here's the video. Should show up in 1080p, I believe, at 60 FPS, as long as youtube doesn't butcher anything. All the footage was filmed with Contours.

Language warning. I do swear a few times in the video, so watch at your own risk.

06-28-2011, 06:59 PM
Awesome :clap:

06-29-2011, 12:23 AM
Thanks, Ando.

06-29-2011, 10:22 PM
it was an very fun game it was one of the best and most fun i have been to in a while. if you remember the stupid guy that kept getting off the air drop when you were axis in the second half that was me.

06-29-2011, 10:43 PM
it was an very fun game it was one of the best and most fun i have been to in a while. if you remember the stupid guy that kept getting off the air drop when you were axis in the second half that was me.

hey i DO remember you! we walked off the field one time... i was the dude with the pump mag & contour (which apparently was full at that point) :)

Your team mates were not happy with you lol... they kept getting lit up every time you dropped!

06-30-2011, 10:21 PM
i know most of them were guys i knew and came with so it was even better. "when you do that we all suffer" my favorite line i was told after doing that.