View Full Version : Tough Mudder

06-28-2011, 06:25 PM

Do one. I earned my orange headband this weekend in Colorado. ~10 miles, about 4300' of elevation change (starting around 8500'), 35° water, electricity, high pressure hoses, MUD....

probably 140 of the coolest minutes of my life.

Already signed up for the one in Jersey in November. I know we have some AOers there... who can I expect to see? :ninja:

06-29-2011, 04:58 AM
Jersey huh? I can make that. I will root you on from the nearest McDonalds :)

If you are going to be around long enough to have recovered, lets get a few games in at Topgun.

06-29-2011, 05:50 PM
man, that looks like a blast; if they ever come to the midwest, i'd love to give it a shot!

06-29-2011, 08:16 PM
I want to do the Ohio/Indiana mudder next year.

06-29-2011, 08:19 PM
You were right in my backyard. Literally.
Lots o cool stuff like that here.

Courgar Hunter
06-29-2011, 10:32 PM
Caffiened is heading to one that is up and coming I will be registering in the one in Phx, Arizona next year in June so if you need a couch to crash on or a room we have the guest room and couch.

Can't wait to do this I am pumped

06-30-2011, 05:17 PM
Jersey huh? I can make that. I will root you on from the nearest McDonalds :)

If you are going to be around long enough to have recovered, lets get a few games in at Topgun.

If I could tell you what (if any) paintball guns I still owned, I'd take ya up on that :) I will meet you for a Big Mac though.

man, that looks like a blast; if they ever come to the midwest, i'd love to give it a shot!

Check out the website - they have events all over the country, more locations next year.

I want to do the Ohio/Indiana mudder next year.

It's a blast, you will love it... thousands of young (or young at heart) people hanging around in a badass adrenaline fest.

You were right in my backyard. Literally.
Lots o cool stuff like that here.

Yeah, close by (given your handle). Beautiful country - there were some amazing views along the course.

Caffiened is heading to one that is up and coming I will be registering in the one in Phx, Arizona next year in June so if you need a couch to crash on or a room we have the guest room and couch.

Can't wait to do this I am pumped

I can't tell if I'm still amped from this one or pumped for the one in November... probably both! Team or solo?

06-30-2011, 08:08 PM
BAH, I have 30 + guns. Im sure I could find something on the wall that would suit you ;)

07-01-2011, 02:59 AM
dude this is awesome i so want to do this.

Courgar Hunter
07-01-2011, 05:33 PM
I can't tell if I'm still amped from this one or pumped for the one in November... probably both! Team or solo?

Possibly team all depends on if evryone from the team has the funds to register I know Caffiend lives in Iowa so he might make it out.