View Full Version : Quirky XValve Issue

06-29-2011, 12:54 PM
Im not sure if anyone else has encountered this problem, but heres whats going on.

A while back my XValve was giving me fits. To be quite honest, I have no clue what happened, but the problem fixed itself. Now, my Tac-One airs up fine, however after being aired up for a while, it starts to leak. If I de-gas it and air it back up, its fine. The leak specifically starts if I rapid fire. After a long string of shots, the leak starts.

Any ideas?

I dont have any shims installed, could that be causing it? All the orings are fine and Im using what seems to be the right carrier.

Thanks for any assistance gents :clap:

06-29-2011, 01:03 PM
Leaking down the barrel? Of course, as you know, go through the routine. Oil first, then recheck. If it still leaks, hold the trigger after a shot and see if it leaks. If so, it's a problem with the on/off. If not, it's a powertube leak that probably has something to do with the level 10.

If you've got it down to a powertube issue already, first inspect all the o-rings for nicks or dirt. That done, I'd try a half-size smaller carrier with no shims. The carrier o-ring can "break in" after a number of shots, and that may be what's causing the problem.

06-29-2011, 01:23 PM
Ill have to see if I can replicate it..because it happens randomly. Im almost afraid to use it at the next game because I have my Longbow shroud/stock on it...no easier wait to remove air from the marker. I guess I could cut the air from my remote line...but I dunno. Its chronoing consistantly still. Ill have to toy around with it.

06-29-2011, 06:22 PM
I've had this happen with my X valve a time or two as well, but it always went away with oil. That's the one thing I've really noticed about the Mag over my previous Tippy A-5; the Tippmann you could oil once a month - the Mag you need to oil before every day of play.

06-29-2011, 08:30 PM
It could be that the oring is worn in and is barely sealing. In some instances, if something isn't perfectly aligned a leak starts. A reset of air usually "sets" the oring which is why they seal better at the start. Try going down a carrier size and see if that helps.

Keep the shims out.

06-29-2011, 09:32 PM
It could be that the oring is worn in and is barely sealing. In some instances, if something isn't perfectly aligned a leak starts. A reset of air usually "sets" the oring which is why they seal better at the start. Try going down a carrier size and see if that helps.

Keep the shims out.

Verification of my advice from the Level-10-Tuning-MAN = goodness. :headbang:

06-30-2011, 08:39 AM
Ill mess around with it this evening, work has been kicking my butt so I havent had time to do anything :-/