View Full Version : Superbolt over heating...?

06-30-2011, 08:57 AM
So I purchased an xvalve a while back and it always had corky moments and such. More so with bolt stick. When I'd play games and not shoot heavy or not shoot in high bursts or RT mode there wasn't a problem. But when I'd really open then thing up after several shots it would get bolt stick and almost seem like it'd have to "cool down" before it would work again...
And I'd always lube the bolt well and the internals.

So what I've concluded after getting another xvalve w/lvl 10 is that my bolt (the old one) made a metal on metal sounds against the inside of the bolt and outside of the powertube. And I've concluded that as i'm shooting the metal heats up and expands ever so slightly and causes additional friction. The bolt always has a metal on metal sounds no matter what and after i shoot it alot and it gets bolt stick the bolt is even more resistant to moving. To the best of my knowledge the lvl 10 is tuned right. If i go one carrier bigger it leaks and the orings are good...

Has anyone ever had this issue and if so any clues on how to fix it? I've tried alot of lubricants on the bolt to try to not have to happen but it always happens. And i don't wana buy a new bolt if its an easy fix, which i don't think it'll be. I think the inner diameter of the bolt needs to have just a bit more clearance, but I open to suggestions...


06-30-2011, 02:53 PM
Pull all your shims out and try going up a carrier.

06-30-2011, 02:56 PM
Pull all your shims out and try going up a carrier.
I've done that several time. I think the bolt it rubbing on the outside of the power tube and creating additional friction while shooting fast and causing the bolt to stick. And going up a carrier size with any new or old oring causes a barrel leak.

06-30-2011, 05:16 PM
I've done that several time. I think the bolt it rubbing on the outside of the power tube and creating additional friction while shooting fast and causing the bolt to stick. And going up a carrier size with any new or old oring causes a barrel leak.

have you looked down the bolt itself? perhaps the power piston is dirty?

06-30-2011, 05:45 PM
I've done that several time. I think the bolt it rubbing on the outside of the power tube and creating additional friction while shooting fast and causing the bolt to stick. And going up a carrier size with any new or old oring causes a barrel leak.

there should be no metal to metal contact , if there is something is bent or broke , I have seen bent stems in level X bolts & broke/cracked powertube bushings , I have one bolt that drove me almost crazy , the hole in the stem was not deep enough to intersect with the side passage , so no air would go through it

06-30-2011, 09:15 PM
there should be no metal to metal contact , if there is something is bent or broke , I have seen bent stems in level X bolts & broke/cracked powertube bushings , I have one bolt that drove me almost crazy , the hole in the stem was not deep enough to intersect with the side passage , so no air would go through it

Thats what I thought as well. And now that you mention it, The bolts center shaft does seem to be bit off center... Which I guess means its dunzo. I'm going to try and bend it back, i'll post how that goes...

07-01-2011, 08:21 AM
So i was actually able to bend the center shaft back into a functioning location, i'm sure its not perfect but I dry fired it alot and it didn't jam, bolt stick, up on me.
I did it by visually looking down the bolt and seeing which way the shaft deviated and then pressed the shaft that sticks out against a table and after about half an hour of tinkering I was finally able to get it to have no metal on metal sound :dance:


07-01-2011, 09:16 AM
you might just want to get a new bolt anyway

07-01-2011, 09:34 AM
I most likely will...