View Full Version : Quick longbow question

07-02-2011, 01:21 PM
I recently purchased a longbow package and am trying to convert back to a standard Tac one.

My problem is that there seems to be an insert in the feedneck threads that I can't seem to get out. My guess is that it protects the paint from the threads during play. I can't install the stock feedneck until I get the insert out, but I don't want to ruin the insert or body by forcing it.
Can someone clue me into the proper way to remove this insert?

07-02-2011, 10:12 PM
If its an insert on the threads, I suspect it screws out.

07-03-2011, 11:13 AM
Is it plastic? It is not threaded then... should just pull straight out.


07-03-2011, 12:01 PM
It's a threaded metal insert. I managed to get it out safely.

I ended up using a socket driver that was just a bit smaller that the insert's inner diameter. Then I used a paper towel wedged in between to fill the gap and provide enough grip to unscrew the insert without scratching it. Kind of a ghetto way of doing things, but it worked out perfectly.

Thanks for the help. :cheers: