View Full Version : Bad decision # 481

Courgar Hunter
07-04-2011, 05:56 PM
Bad decision # 481 July 4th 2011 @ 1:29 P.M.

Putting a " Easy up pool " in your master bedroom

The wife became the voice of reason when she got home, but I was 3/4 of the way finished just had to fill it up

07-04-2011, 09:26 PM
yeeahh... easy up pool means easy leak and ruin your house pool.


07-04-2011, 09:29 PM

Courgar Hunter
07-04-2011, 10:18 PM
Arizona summers are brutal so why not enjoy a pool inside your house, also the master bedroom is a addition to the house as the house was built in 1941 so the foundation is concrete.

But isn't it fun to be young and reckless sometimes


07-04-2011, 11:02 PM
Whazzat wrapped around the back of the boy's head? 0_o

Courgar Hunter
07-04-2011, 11:12 PM
He's got a helmet to help shape the back of his head so he isn't a block head the rest of his life.

It was either puppy dogs or carbon fiber design the wife gave in to my demands and I scored 1 point for men everwhere by beating the wifes decision

07-05-2011, 07:57 AM
ROFL...That is redonkulous!!!

07-06-2011, 05:41 PM
That kid has to be the luckiest kid in the world.

My dad would never let me have an indoor pool...

07-06-2011, 05:49 PM
Well at least you don't have to worry about squirrels and raccoons running around the edge of it and giving you one hell of a sprinkler system.... at least I hope. :D


Courgar Hunter
07-06-2011, 06:55 PM
My wife and I had a fight over who the cool parent is I ended the debate with " I'm in the here and now fart jokes bad decisions and immaturity are to follow for the next 17 years and I am the President of the country "

Her response is this the example you want to set for your son ?

My rebuttal atleast his 2 time felon uncle isn't setting the bar so yes, fart jokes and immaturity from his dad

my automag
07-06-2011, 09:31 PM
He's got a helmet to help shape the back of his head so he isn't a block head the rest of his life.

It was either puppy dogs or carbon fiber design the wife gave in to my demands and I scored 1 point for men everwhere by beating the wifes decision

Not to get personal, how old about is your kid now.

That thing on his head scares me, I never heard of those things.

You can lay him down to sleep when they are young a little on the side you want the head to shape when he is sleeping, mid day naps are good for this if you are there constantly to keep a watch so he don't roll over if he is old enough now to roll, and you can even switch sides more often since you would be awake for hid day nap hopefully, hehe. Keep him pried like that with a soft small pillow along his back or a rolled "blankey".

I hope I wrote and explained this right.... :confused: :eek:

I will be doing this in a few months for the third time now, works like a charm, especially when you consider how they yank those poor things out during birth and deform their head from the get go... :mad:

My first kid had an egg on top one side, almost two years it took to grow out evenly. Four years later not a sign of the egg spot. :bounce: :dance: :dance: :bounce: :headbang:

Good luck with the kid and hope all goes well.


Courgar Hunter
07-06-2011, 10:04 PM
Not to get personal, how old about is your kid now.

That thing on his head scares me, I never heard of those things.

You can lay him down to sleep when they are young a little on the side you want the head to shape when he is sleeping, mid day naps are good for this if you are there constantly to keep a watch so he don't roll over if he is old enough now to roll, and you can even switch sides more often since you would be awake for hid day nap hopefully, hehe. Keep him pried like that with a soft small pillow along his back or a rolled "blankey".

I hope I wrote and explained this right.... :confused: :eek:

I will be doing this in a few months for the third time now, works like a charm, especially when you consider how they yank those poor things out during birth and deform their head from the get go... :mad:

My first kid had an egg on top one side, almost two years it took to grow out evenly. Four years later not a sign of the egg spot. :bounce: :dance: :dance: :bounce: :headbang:

Good luck with the kid and hope all goes well.


So long story short we should have gotten a second opinion on if we would be approved for this helmet and when we found out we did it was go time. His head being as bad as it was is due to our main dr. which we no longer see otherwise my wife and myself would have not let it get this bad.

But its to help re-shape his head they will shave down the inside of it as his head starts to pop back into shape.

Now thank god for insurance because this little piece of foam coated with a urathane cost 2600.00 which would take me 2 1/2 months worth of pay to get there if I didn't pay bills.

It does help with him starting to walk around he has fallen back a few times and smacked his head thank god he had it on otherwise oh man.

my automag
07-06-2011, 10:32 PM
So long story short we should have gotten a second opinion on if we would be approved for this helmet and when we found out we did it was go time. His head being as bad as it was is due to our main dr. which we no longer see otherwise my wife and myself would have not let it get this bad.

But its to help re-shape his head they will shave down the inside of it as his head starts to pop back into shape.

Now thank god for insurance because this little piece of foam coated with a urathane cost 2600.00 which would take me 2 1/2 months worth of pay to get there if I didn't pay bills.

It does help with him starting to walk around he has fallen back a few times and smacked his head thank god he had it on otherwise oh man.

Lucky to be able to help this, good to hear.

They sure are hand fulls, but they grow up faster than we can imagine.

Well enjoy the little crawling and furniture walking for now, cause by two they start furniture CLIMBING, like its a playground. :eek:

Courgar Hunter
07-06-2011, 11:24 PM
Oh man the wife has already mentioned this I said its cool I can pick up some bubble wrap

Also he is 9 months old

my automag
07-07-2011, 08:28 AM
Oh man the wife has already mentioned this I said its cool I can pick up some bubble wrap

Also he is 9 months old

Yeah that reminds me, bubble wrap??? Good luck :rofl: , that will be the first thing you hear and see disappear, like a favorite toy... it becomes fast.

I sometimes let my kids pop the bubbles from my packages i receive, just try to do it outside in fresh air or even a slight breeze.

I read some where the air in those bubbles isn't the most sterile or at all healthy/regulated for us to breathe in, I think there was warnings on the news few years back too.


07-08-2011, 06:58 PM
You should have filled the pool.