View Full Version : Help an old AO'er out! :)

07-07-2011, 02:23 PM
Some of you know I am starting out my own clothing shop featuring my designs and illustrations. The shop is called "19" and will feature clothing with aggressive or humorous designs on top quality merchandise. Each shirt will feature original artwork that has been created from scratch, and follows a hardcore, testosterone fueled ethos. I'm not trying to become the next Affliction, but I would like to make money off things I like to draw and design (since, you know,I went to school for that sort of thing). Here is what I want to do to promote it:

Of course I am going to advertise through social media, but a big thing to me is word of mouth. I want real people telling other real people about the quality of the artwork and how the designs, printing and shirts are store quality. I have created teaser cards that look like this:


I want to take these cards and give them to people...leave them at stores, restaurants, bars, etc....anywhere where people might see them. Hell, leave one with your tip when you go out to eat...be creative. I left them intentionally vague thinking that if I actually branded them as "clothing shop" people may or may not go there and check it out. But, people's natural curiosity should lead them to at least check it out. That alone is incredibly helpful.

Now, here's where you all could help out. If you PM me your address, I will mail you some of the cards and you can spread them around wherever you live. So, not only am I promoting it where I live and the surrounding area, but you guys can reach all kinds of places I can't! I will try and figure out a way to create a discount code or something for you all for your trouble, but I would greatly appreciate you helping my business venture become successful.

Thank you all!
Andrew Sloan

07-07-2011, 03:58 PM
I would be happy to help Andrew and will get you my addy in a bit... but I wanted to say to the rest of the folks here to help out if can... Andrew worked on some of the artwork for me for one of my tattoos.. and though I've not gotten it done yet, he does outstanding work...

Best of luck man,


my automag
07-07-2011, 11:01 PM
He he, are you thinking like WORLDWIDE...Canada? ;)

07-08-2011, 10:50 AM
Oh absolutely...I definitely want to go global with it! Canada is more than welcome to join in the fun! Thanks for all the help guys, I REALLY appreciate it! Also, thanks DevilMan...I hope your tat turns out awesome. I'm going to try and see if I can work up a coupon code for everyone that helps me out to try and save you some cash if you want a shirt or two. Again, many thanks brothers!


07-08-2011, 07:27 PM
DONE!! pm'ing you

07-08-2011, 11:03 PM
I like your style! underground new-age capitalism at its best! I'll PM you my addy right now. Can we post pics of the coolest place we leave a card?


07-08-2011, 11:22 PM
double post.. AO on the fritz at the moment.

07-13-2011, 12:03 PM
Just got the cards in today from the printer and they look awesome. I will begin mailing them out to people and once again, I truly appreciate all the help! For those interested, they have a sale going on right now...$6 off t-shirts...using the promo code zbdaytshirts

07-17-2011, 10:57 PM
If anyone else wants to pitch in and help out, just PM me your address and I can send cards out.

Thanks everyone,

07-28-2011, 12:54 PM
Next 48 hours Zazzle has $10 off shirts for those interested. Use the coupon code: LNTNHLPMYGOHNHSABYTS