View Full Version : Recs for +1 Pod Pack or Vest for Remote Carry

07-11-2011, 12:48 AM
Hey guys,
I've been trying to stay out of the heat lately, but we have a free play day next weekend, so I need to gear up! (AWESOME) The last time I played, I came to know the joy of running a remote on an e-mag. Yes, I should do more push-ups, but I wondered if anyone could recommend a good quality +1 pod pack/harness/vest that I could carry a 68-90 ci bottle in. I don't want anything fancy or expensive, just something that will stay in place and not interfere with my pantses. Thanks in advance!


07-11-2011, 10:40 AM
NXE light infantry harness 4+1 with water bladder and spots for additional Molle attachments. Made of a mostly mesh material so it breathes well, and it has the wrap around back brace type harness so it fits nice . They run about 60-70 bucks

I picked one up for a friend a few weeks back and he has been liking it - I have seriously considered picking one up for the Michigan Monster game

http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/public/0eu0vjw_X4sIJj3Yuzc2X-iQx59BWtR9Q5G-vGOE5tLT7413MSVCeaoLXe8GQiO5Dl2yCproxrjsiVrsl-WpM1APUFYszZ2kxvzLuvF91tz2oLTFixgpqFu8gmpq6ZpG8DEv cuy__Y5xGOOs6PA8yZEKHPW06IN0zGnNSVvOrjcVFiO4CLXdTq rJdVR8AA


07-11-2011, 06:31 PM
NXE light infantry harness 4+1 with water bladder and spots for additional Molle attachments. Made of a mostly mesh material so it breathes well, and it has the wrap around back brace type harness so it fits nice . They run about 60-70 bucks

I picked one up for a friend a few weeks back and he has been liking it - I have seriously considered picking one up for the Michigan Monster game

http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/public/0eu0vjw_X4sIJj3Yuzc2X-iQx59BWtR9Q5G-vGOE5tLT7413MSVCeaoLXe8GQiO5Dl2yCproxrjsiVrsl-WpM1APUFYszZ2kxvzLuvF91tz2oLTFixgpqFu8gmpq6ZpG8DEv cuy__Y5xGOOs6PA8yZEKHPW06IN0zGnNSVvOrjcVFiO4CLXdTq rJdVR8AA


OoOh. I wonder if it comes in black... They say black is slimming, you know. Maybe it would make me harder to hit. ;) Thanks for the suggestion Styg!

07-11-2011, 07:27 PM
its a prepackaged set - what you see is what you get - no black for this one.

You could go with BT, Dye, or Valken and they have a siimilar backbrace/padded shoulder molle setups, but they are usually $100+ to build a rig
