View Full Version : Stock class tube holster

07-18-2011, 08:16 AM
I'm getting into stock class play, kinda, and I came across this pack on IIsports and I was curious if anyone has this pack
Its made by Ronin Gear...
I'm 6'5, average build

08-03-2011, 05:16 PM
I'm 6' 4" and I have that one. Its pretty good, but I found that it gets in the way.

Ronin Gear made another stock class belt that has the paint on your back, like a ball hauler, which I found is much more to my liking.

Here is a link: http://www.amazon.com/Ronin-Gear-Stock-Class-Paintball-Harness/dp/B000VV7OX4

08-03-2011, 05:38 PM
If you go with the suspender type you will need a dump pouch of some kind. Cause there is no way you can get the tube back in after you use it.

I personally use the 10 tube leg harness kind. For me it is easy to pull a tube out and load and then stick the tube back in while in the heat of battle. I like it so much I bought another one. Now I have 1 on each leg. So I can hold 20 tubes and 10 12 grams.

If you don't want anything on your legs I would go with the tubes on the lower back kind like linked above.

08-03-2011, 08:24 PM
Had it, owned it, played with it. Wasn't a fan of it.

I move a lot, not really sliding, diving, or extremely rough play but just crawling and going into weird nooks and places. It would just be very annoying to reach for stuff if you were in any position besides standing up straight. And putting tubes back into your harness wasn't that hard since the hoops were oversized...but that led to me losing more than a few 12 grams.

Although the quality on the suspender is fine...I also owned their flipped out version1 and 12 gram wrist holder and they were made of very shoddy materials, the flipped out pretty much destroyed itself after one wash and the wrist harness could only hold tubes after a while. Ronin gear goods = no bueno. For 10 bucks it's a decent price, but they charge a lot for shipping.

Get the joyride from PBMafia, never look back :P

08-04-2011, 06:56 AM
Never heard of PBMafia. Will have to check them out.

08-05-2011, 08:54 AM
Thanks for the input guys,
I got a dump bad with it as well.