View Full Version : Check Out My Band

rifleman wi
07-22-2011, 03:13 PM
Hey, just seeing what you guys think about my band, were kind of a punk, Blink 182-ish band.
We have been playing together for 3 years off and on between and during deployments, and finally got around to recording out music at a studio last month. Our Facebook page has the complete story about us on it. Below are the links to our main page, and our band page with our music, feel free to listen to it, share it and let us know what you think. The song " Straws " was written this year for one of our fallen brothers and a great friend to the band, the song means a lot to us. Thanks! - 7$D

Main Band Page (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001383122494)
Music Page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Seven-Dollar-Day/106700906086919?sk=app_178091127385)

07-25-2011, 10:20 PM
Not bad man. Not bad at all. Sounds maybe a bit too much like Blink 182, but very clean and tight. I was in a band while in the Army. 5 pieces though. Hard to keep a 5 piece band full, every one was always leaving. :(

Anyway man, have fun with it!

rifleman wi
07-25-2011, 11:00 PM
thanks, yea we cant keep a bassist to save our lives.. they all keep ETS'ing..

Not bad man. Not bad at all. Sounds maybe a bit too much like Blink 182, but very clean and tight. I was in a band while in the Army. 5 pieces though. Hard to keep a 5 piece band full, every one was always leaving. :(

Anyway man, have fun with it!