View Full Version : Smarts parts History

07-23-2011, 06:39 PM
Anyone know where I can find good information on the history of smart parts and the companies it went after. I am have found a little bit here and there but it is hard to tell how I am going to turn this into a five page paper. Any help would be great. :clap:

07-23-2011, 08:38 PM
anyhelp would be greatful

07-23-2011, 09:51 PM
The only places I can think of where you might find more info about SP are the other paintball forums. mcarterbrown would probably be the best place to start. PBNation might have the most info, though while reading anything from that forum, you might want to keep the thought of "don't believe everything you read on the internet" in mind. Quite frankly, the only bits of info I myself would believe would be the posts from people who I know also post here on AO. Still, there might be some useful or truthful info there. I think you will probably get the most useful and accurate info might be here in AO.

07-23-2011, 10:10 PM
thanks I will check those out.

07-24-2011, 12:19 AM
It will be difficult or impossible to get sources a prof/teacher will consider "authoritative" on a web forum. However, if you slant the paper towards the idea that a community has a huge effect on the success of a company, you may be able to get some first hand observation data.

07-24-2011, 01:16 AM
Never thought of it that way. I have been looking and there is limited data on this subject.

07-24-2011, 09:17 AM
Wikipedia has pretty good info

Edit: Here is the link...


Do I get a credit line in your paper???

07-24-2011, 11:02 AM
There is an epic thread on the nation after SP filed a suit for the internal hose thing (I think).

Tom Kaye even had a great retort in there.

I don't have the link to give you because I can't access PBN where I'm at, but I'm sure this will jog someone's memory and they'd be able to give it to you.

07-24-2011, 08:16 PM
Wikipedia has pretty good info

Edit: Here is the link...


Do I get a credit line in your paper???

The wiki link is good for a timeline of their products, but it does not cover the patent issues, and the damage done to the sport by the actions of SP.

One of the things to focus on, aside from the patent issue, is the destruction of several interesting paintball markers in the process...

Look into:

1. Pneuventures
2. WDP and Owen's employment of one KEY engineer (who OWNS the TRUE IP) from Pneuventures.
3. Legal decisions AGAINST SP in Wisconsin AND Idaho (not sure why these states were selected)
4. The destruction of ICD... Which also screwed over Jerry Dobbins (one of the nicest guys in the world)
5. The discontinuation of the X-Mag, E-Tac 1 and E-Mag
6. The discontinuation of the development of the Phantom Revolution
7. The discontinuation all AKALMP markers (Viking/Excalibur)
8. The management team (and almost every member of the All Americans) from SP, and their criminal history of patent fraud, bankrupcy, business failures, and other forms of corruption
9. Research Bill Garnder's (Sr.) records (criminal and legal) for even more info.

There is plenty of material available, if you are willing to dig. Start with the Wisconsin and Idaho links. Start building a time line of actions and events. Pull up any old AA roster and search names against criminal history.

Here is the "epic" (damn, I hate that word now) thread on the nation. Not sure if AO will let me post the full URL... Sorry Admins, if this is against the rules: http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=2600786 There are several other smaller threads, with even more info, but you can find those as needed.

There are 19 pages of info, including names, dates, and patent numbers... Happy Hunting. Please share your results when you compile everything. 5 pages SHOULD be easy, with all of the information available.

OH... One last thing... The WORST damage done, by the series of legal actions, was to change the overall dynamic of cooperation within the sport. There is no way to quantitate this, but after SP's actions, the sport changed for the worse. The spirit of cooperation was destroyed (from an industry perspective), and every manufacturer took a very defensive approach to their products, ideas and concepts. SP DESTROYED what I would consider the spirit of the sport. From that point on, you will be hard pressed to find different manufacturers that could talk freely around each other. No more Bud Orr staying at Tom's house, etc. The spirit of cooperation was killed on the very day that SP sued ICD...


07-25-2011, 05:39 PM
OH... One last thing... The WORST damage done, by the series of legal actions, was to change the overall dynamic of cooperation within the sport. There is no way to quantitate this, but after SP's actions, the sport changed for the worse. The spirit of cooperation was destroyed (from an industry perspective), and every manufacturer took a very defensive approach to their products, ideas and concepts. SP DESTROYED what I would consider the spirit of the sport. From that point on, you will be hard pressed to find different manufacturers that could talk freely around each other. No more Bud Orr staying at Tom's house, etc. The spirit of cooperation was killed in the very day that SP sued ICD...


Amen, preach it brother! That man makes some fine fried chicken.

07-25-2011, 10:42 PM
Thanks for the history lesson. Huh...never knew