View Full Version : T K in Pittsburgh

08-06-2011, 03:28 PM
So we all know T K was to be in Pittsburgh this weekend. I traveled the 2 hours to get there and found him sitting with Bob Gurney "The Father of Paintball". After a short talk with him due to my busy schedule and his I did manage to get a gun signed and a few pics. It was great to meet the man who made all of this possible for us mag lovers.
<a href="http://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz75/kwik175/TomKaye004.jpg"><img src="http://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz75/kwik175/TomKaye004.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>
<a href="http://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz75/kwik175/TomKaye005.jpg"><img src="http://i815.photobucket.com/albums/zz75/kwik175/TomKaye005.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

08-06-2011, 08:53 PM
Tom Kayes signature adds +15 accuracy and +50 awesome points when added to any automag.

Another good reason to use stainless steel bodies, takes a sharpie really well :)

08-06-2011, 09:08 PM
That was my best guess as to which one would be appropriate. I figured a complete splash Classic 68 was a no brainer. I've got a Karta Emag, Airwalk/Phoenix, Triton/Dallara, and a Z Karta, all of which are mostly aftermarket. Only thing AGD are the X valves. I was hoping he would appreciate a classic and he seemed to. And as mentioned, the Sharpie works well.

08-06-2011, 10:19 PM
Had a ball seeing everyone, glad you could make it.


ps That was a really nice marker!

08-06-2011, 11:05 PM

08-07-2011, 03:15 PM
Had a ball seeing everyone, glad you could make it.


ps That was a really nice marker!

Looks like this thread needs archiving. Definitely deserves printing out, laminating and to be stored with your classic...

08-08-2011, 01:56 PM
Yep, I got to see and talk to Tom Saturday afternoon with him, Bob G., Jim L. and some others. I'd like to thank Steve Davidson for the introduction and Tom for taking the time to chat and telling some stories.

PS... Tom, Jessica Sparks played with my team(Failure to Flatline) and I in the UWL and she said that since you came back to TRP that I should mention the "Rain Man" story from back around '91 or so; taking and holding one of the back hills with your mag on your own.


Thanks for everything,