View Full Version : I did it...i broke the new superbolt

02-14-2002, 09:18 PM
Ok, well I was paint balling last weekend and I shot about a case and no problems loved the superbolt and it worked great. After playing I took out my bolt and checked it for ware and to get any paint off of it from when I chopped one (short stroke). It was fine and had no real visible ware. Well today I filled my flatline off my scuba and gassed up my RT to shoot some new paint that I bought and I dry fired it 4-5 times and I am thinking its a lot louder then I remembered it…. well I am thinking its just because there is no paint in it... well I was wrong take out bolt and half of the Nylon was gone.....BAH! well I will post some pics Friday because my dad just somehow fried our new 500 dollar Nikon camera. Bah today sucks…

02-14-2002, 09:21 PM
Wow, seems like your family has bad luck with breaking things...

02-14-2002, 09:30 PM
not really just today....and found out what happened to the camra right after i posted...the batts died during the split secont he was performaing some info transfer or somthing like that....well the software just needs to be reloaded so all we have to do is send it in and they will reload it and have it back to us with in a week

02-14-2002, 09:43 PM
oh no... here we go again.... :eek:

02-14-2002, 10:06 PM
I don't think it's going to be a big deal guys, most of those that got the new ones have put many shots through it already, I have shot over 2000 pballs and about 1000 dry fires through my superbolt with no problems, there are some with more then 5000 already. If there are any minor things going wrong I think it's safe to assume it was just an overlooked piece. I don't think it's going to be a big deal.

02-14-2002, 10:09 PM
Is this a superbolt that you sent in to get updated, or one that you ordered from the store after they went back up for sale? If it's an old bolt that got stress relieved, that might be part of the problem.

02-14-2002, 10:20 PM
its a new one....and being that it broke after about 3000 total firings and that i am the only one so far makes me think it was something I did or a freak occurrence

02-14-2002, 10:49 PM
This type of thing is going to happen occasionally no matter what we do. It's a result of using plastic instead of steel in a harsh environment. I would like to see the pics.


02-15-2002, 01:23 AM
sure no problem i will get them up Friday

02-15-2002, 06:39 AM
Well, sucks for you, lol. At least your going to to post pics. You probably just got a bad one, you cant make a plastic part of a bolt and not expect at least one to mess up.

02-15-2002, 09:41 AM
Hey guys, i broke mine too! I believe it is one of the newer ones because i just got it last week or so. The sleeve cracked on my second dry fire trigger pull. It cracked at the top edge of the inner(metal)part of the bolt
diagonally down ~45deg. This piece flew out of my barrel and when i picked it up, the foamie was gone(I'm still looking for it). My question is, since this is one from the new batch, should i send it in to be checked or should i just order the sleeves and press them on myself? other than the crack, there is nothing wrong with the bolt. (duh, it was only fired twice.) Are sleeves even available for purchase? Thanks in advance everyone!

02-15-2002, 09:43 AM
oh and i dont have a digital camera, or a scanner, so i won't be able to post pics. doh' sorry!

Rock Star
02-15-2002, 09:44 AM
When i got my emag with my superbolt i was using metal nubbins until my teamate (MajorDamage) informed me that metal will damage the superbolt. so i swtiched to plastic. :) thanks major.

the JoKeR
02-15-2002, 10:22 AM
One big question I have before I spend the money on a Superbolt regards warranty. I understand that the bolt won't last forever, and that cracking might occur, but does AGD have any policy in place regarding how long they should last (obviously, # of rounds shot would be impossible to tell) and what happens if it fails? Additionally, what about any damage caused by the bolt (haven't heard of any, but you never know)? Specifically, if broken pieces break nubbins (obviously cheap and no big deal) or scratch up the inside of a barrel (not so cheap and a bigger deal). I would like to add the intelliframe and superbolt to my RT, but still am a little nervous...

02-15-2002, 12:12 PM
The derlin part I would think should hold up to at least X amount of firing. Is there a difference in stress on the bolt in dry firing vs with paint? Seeing as it is the Derlin breaking I do not think you would have any problems with damage to the barrel. But I can see the cause for concern as if for some odd circumstances it did I would not be happy shelling out the amount of money to replace my titanium barrel.

soilent green
02-15-2002, 12:40 PM
Agd is great about this stuff if its their fault they fix it I got my super bolt back and I fired 300 shots so far no prob I did notice however that there was still a ridge where my old one had cracked so i sanded it and the hone job was terrible so I sanded it more before I even put it in with 600 grit wet/dry no probs cross my fingers so this weekend I'll put 1000-2000 rounds through it

02-15-2002, 03:30 PM
i'm playing this weekend.I got the new SB and i'll give a report of how it goes.I'll prob put round 1000-2500 through it