View Full Version : Runaway Full Auto ULT

09-04-2011, 12:50 AM
Hey guys,

So I was cleaning my Tac one getting ready for sunday monday paintball, and after i cleaned everything out and put new teflon tape on the fittings I put some out in my ASA and aired up. I took one shot and the gun went full auto until the bolt stuck and air just started leaking down the barrel. Granted the tank I was using only had 1k psi, so that could be the problem I suppose. I have been using the ult and lvl 10 for quite some time now with no problems and I do not see any signs of abnormal wear. Any advice is much appreciated.


09-04-2011, 10:56 AM
I can see marginal bottle pressure being a possibility, but I often play in that range so I would fix it.

Make sure the field strip screw is as snug as you usually set it. Check that you don't have some little debris between the rail and body or on the valve.

Otherwise take a shim out of the ULT. You may have worn the pin and sear down that last 0.005 inches. While you're in there, put a drop of oil on that tiny o-ring.

09-04-2011, 12:29 PM
check to make sure the little o-ring is still on the top of the ULT

09-04-2011, 01:37 PM
Check the reg pin, sometimes a little debris such as teflon residue can get in there and cause this. That is the very first place I look when I have a runaway mag. second is the on/off. As mentioned above, be sure all the o-rings are in there.

09-05-2011, 05:30 PM
I don't think it is the ULT, because I switched my stock RT on/off in and the gun still behaved the same way. I will check the regulator, but since it is the first time I have taken it apart I was wondering if is super easy to mess up or lose pieces when you take it apart?


09-05-2011, 05:41 PM
I don't think it is the ULT, because I switched my stock RT on/off in and the gun still behaved the same way. I will check the regulator, but since it is the first time I have taken it apart I was wondering if is super easy to mess up or lose pieces when you take it apart?


Be very careful taking out the reg valve pin assembly. The first time I removed it, the shims went everywhere. I use a paperclip through the tiny hole to slowly pull it out. Everything else in the valve is fairly easy to manage.

09-05-2011, 06:13 PM
The sear might be bad. :cheers:

09-05-2011, 07:30 PM
I checked the searand everything seemed to be in working order. I will probably check the regulator pin tonight and let you guys kno how it goes. Thanks for all of the advice so far!


09-05-2011, 07:59 PM
When was the last time you oiled your mag? Pull the valve apart and oil each part individually. And while your at it, take a look down in the reg pin assy cavity and see if anything might have found it's way down in there (dirt, teflon tape...etc...). Same with the on/off. Q-Tips work great for this.

I would also ck the orings on your reg pin assy while you have it out. #30


09-05-2011, 08:03 PM
Wil do Ando. Thanks. I oiled it right before it started going full auto. If it is one of those O-rings, where can I get a replacement?


09-06-2011, 12:05 AM
And the winner is....Loguzzzzzz with the Teflon on the reg pin assembly!!!! Thanks again for all of your help guys!

Happy Paintballing
