View Full Version : Pure Energy Tank w/ Air Bubbles in Epoxy Coat

09-05-2011, 04:50 PM
I got this Pure Energy 68/45 tank as part of a package deal. It is out of hydro so I took it to my hydro guy and he would not test it because he found a small hole and some tiny air bubbles in the epoxy coat, or final coat, that covers the carbon wrap. He wanted to condemn the tank but was kind enough to give it back to me. Have you guys ever seen this before? Can this be repaired? Should I contact Pure Energy or Carleton? I was thinking about sending it to Ninja to get hydrotested and for a SHP reg swap. But they might condemn it. And I don't want to use it or sell it if it's unsafe.

Here is a pic of the small hole


09-05-2011, 11:21 PM
Definitely contact Pure Energy and see what they have to say, i have seen Ninja tanks (not in person but pictures on PbNation) with what appears to be severe cracks in the outer resin or epoxy and Ninja said it is not a problem, just send in your Ninja tank and they will re-coat it for free.

Although i have seen these photos i went ahead and bought a Ninja 50 ci / 4500 psi tank and it appears to be fine. I just tell everyone not to use tape on their carbon fiber tanks.

http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/168303_10150127735669739_678039738_7766816_7150334 _n.jpg

Again not my tank, a photo off PbNation

09-06-2011, 03:42 PM
Thanks for the advice Dover. I contacted Pure Energy and I am waiting to hear back on what they want to do about it. They said if it was still under hydro then they would just replace the tank. But the hydro just expired. So we'll see what happens.

09-06-2011, 04:54 PM
A hole in the resin might be a problem but air bubbles embedded in the resin usually are not unless they are air bubbles causing separated layers of fiber or resin. Anything that causes delamination of the fiber from the tank or from different layers of fiber wrap is a reason to condemn a tank.