View Full Version : What is the threading / size of the Tunablade magnet adjuster?

09-28-2011, 10:18 PM
The magnet adjuster on my Tunablade is too long, stabs my finger. Anyone know the size / threading on these?

09-29-2011, 08:30 PM
Take it out an file the front down a bit. The hex hole is probably deep enough to allow you to take some metal off without affecting it. Of course, that depends on how far it is sticking out.

The other option (preferred) is to adjust your trigger stop so that the trigger stops a bit farther forward so that the activation point is farther back with respect to the trigger stop. It will allow you to turn the adjuster farther into the trigger.

09-29-2011, 10:14 PM
The trigger is as far forward as possible, and I have the magnet set to a very minute pull to fire. So if the magnet is in any farther, the board won't turn on due to the HES being triggered.

I thought about filing it down, or even a quick zap with a dremmel. But it is my only one so if I pooch it, my Emag is down until I find one. I'd really just rather find one that's shorter.

09-30-2011, 05:50 AM
Your HES must be a bit more sensitive that most, or your magnet is a bit more powerful. If you can find a magnet that is a bit thinner, it might work for you.

I'll have to check my Tunablade, but I think the adjuster is the stock AGD adjuster which is custom made I think. I don't think it is available aftermarket as a part.

09-30-2011, 11:31 AM
The Tunablade set screw is exactly that, just a set screw. It is smaller than the stock adjuster, which I know has that plate on it. I just replaced one in my stock trigger with a set screw, and tried another in the tunablade but it wouldn't fit.

I will look for a smaller magnet, that's a good idea.

09-30-2011, 02:24 PM
I just checked, and my Tunablade uses the stock adjuster. The older models must be a bit different than the newer ones. Your Tunablade must be a newer model.

09-30-2011, 07:00 PM
I swapped out the magnets between the trigger return and the trigger, and it works great. I could turn the set screw all the way in.

Thanks for the suggestion :headbang:

I just put folded up piece of paper under the trigger return magnet to lighten it up a little.

09-30-2011, 07:30 PM
I swapped out the magnets between the trigger return and the trigger, and it works great. I could turn the set screw all the way in.

Thanks for the suggestion :headbang:

I just put folded up piece of paper under the trigger return magnet to lighten it up a little.Excellent. Good to hear it was a simple fix.

The addition of an oring under the magnet works well too. Sometimes you need an extra magnet along with the extra space. You can actually configure the trigger pull/break force to meet your needs.