View Full Version : Facefull Doesn't think much of AGD. Whats their deal?

02-15-2002, 01:18 PM
There are 2 articles in this issue of Facefull where AGD doesn't get its full due. I'm talking about issue #3 january/february pages 48 and 56.
On page 48 they acknowledge the importance of the 68 Automag in the early days but go on to say, "The era of mechanical equipments was dominated by two markers: the .68 AutoMag and the AutoCocker were positioned at the top of the line. With the birth of electronic markers, manufacturers proliferated. Today, six tournament markers of roughly equivalent performance exist: the Shocker, the Angel, the Impulse, the Matrix, the Intimidator and the Bushmaster. The only mechanical marker that can still compete with those is the AutoCocker." What the hell??? I used to own a Automag RT and it shure as hell would compete with those markers in rate-of-fire, accuracy and reliability. I currently own an E-Mag and it easily rates better than several (if not all) of those listed above.
On page 56 they ask 5 questions of the 5 "big boss" people in paintball; Gerard Greene (WDP), Dave Youngblood, Richmond Italia (Diablo), Bud Orr, Rennic Miller (shocktech & BBT). Where is Tom?
What is up with this magazine? Its like they totally discount AGD as a current contender in the paintball industry. I'm a little ticked off...


02-15-2002, 01:28 PM
who cares let them talk all they want. i never even read paintball magazines and i don't think many people do (maybe i'm wrong)....but did any of those guys get amy holding their gun in an actual magazine like maxim? i didn't think so :)

02-15-2002, 01:38 PM
Take EVERYTHING in a magazine with a big ol grain of salt. I think mags are still great. I shoot a cocker, but when I see a mag, I think quality and reliability.

Heck, I still see mags on the tourney fields. I watched the CPSA last fall, and was amazed at the number of mags.

Facefull is an OK mag. I really get annoyed by the women. If I want to look at women in a mag, I read Playboy. I want articles about gear, performance, and fields. I dont care about newbie articles. I just want a reliable UNBIASED review of new products.

Maybe we should make a review section of AO? I have a million complaints about products I have bought, thats why I'm making my own parts.

02-15-2002, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Phil
On page 56 they ask 5 questions of the 5 "big boss" people in paintball; Gerard Greene (WDP), Dave Youngblood, Richmond Italia (Diablo), Bud Orr, Rennic Miller (shocktech & BBT). Where is Tom?

Ok thats why! They are trying to plug their own products, which is undestandable but not ethical in a magazine that should present an honest and un-biased opionion, that has been researched.

02-15-2002, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Phil
On page 56 they ask 5 questions of the 5 "big boss" people in paintball; Gerard Greene (WDP), Dave Youngblood, Richmond Italia (Diablo), Bud Orr, Rennic Miller (shocktech & BBT). Where is Tom?

If they say the 5 "bigboss" people and donīt ask Tom ... they look like newbies in the bussines ;)
But who cares? We all know, magazines are not independent ... ;)

02-15-2002, 02:18 PM
I think you should remember that it is a magazine and that they will have a biase as long as it isn't one of companies that paid for a full page spread in there magazine. I'm sure they would give an honest opinion of angels if WDP didn't smear their name threw out the magazine(I'm just using WDP as an example I'm not putting down angels at all). You have to remember that all magazines do this whether it be Time or Facefull they are not impartial in judgement they have to worry about advertising money and will say anything to get more advertising money this is how most magazines make most of there money.
If it upsets you write a letter to there editor about the articale and ask them to prove that a automag can't keep up with any other marker on the planet and I'm sure they take there head out of the sand (or the models rear ends)and run the other way.

02-15-2002, 02:26 PM
Who writes letters these days?

02-15-2002, 04:52 PM
The value of the info in most paintball mags is crap value. Most mags are biased in almost any direction. APG has a 5 page add for one store in every issue I think. APG is also smeared with kingman products in the first 5 pages. I don't know what's in facefull and other mags so I won't say anything about thoes.

02-15-2002, 07:07 PM
all i can say is BOYCOTT!

02-15-2002, 09:20 PM
i read paintball2xtremes and it is helpfull but nothing will compare to apg becuase of some of the great articles in that.

02-16-2002, 01:46 AM
It would be interesting to know what is the market share of new Automags compared to other markers that are currently sold.

02-16-2002, 07:10 AM
Originally posted by Phil
Who writes letters these days?

Actually Phil, I do. And you know what? It works. Really.

02-16-2002, 08:22 PM
like kenshinkadon(sp?) said alot of what magazines say depends on their advertising sales. the more you advertise in their pages the more the magazine will say good things and push your product. also you have to take into consideration how much those other companies spend (kingman, wdp, wgp, etc.) for advertising/marketing people, to build an image for the company. no offense to tom or agd, but its still lacking swank and prolific advertising/marketing, that other companies possess. another thing is that the "other" companies seem to be coming out with new products/merchandise at every freakin major tournament, agd lost the cheese in that rat race.

02-17-2002, 12:40 PM
What do you expect from a magazine that uses nudity on the cover to sell issues?

Might as well buy Maxxim.