View Full Version : i just shot my new mag for the first time

02-15-2002, 05:37 PM
i just played some one on one with my new 68automag classic w/powerfeed and it shot great. i was using a 20 oz. anti-syphon tank in about 40-45 degree weather and it shot awesome. i took a guy out at about 80 feet with one shot. im using a 12in. pmi perfect ceramic barrel. i popped off one shot and got him. i ended up 4 wins and 3 losses. but thats because im sort of out of shape for snap shooting (the field is a really small in in my back pasture) and i was overly aggressive for the field size. (yeah i know excuses excuses) but my mag shot great. now if only i could live up to its level of performance ill be doing awesome.

02-15-2002, 05:43 PM
Im glad you like your mag! :D Good times

02-15-2002, 05:44 PM
glad you like the mag. it will treat you very nicely....

02-15-2002, 06:10 PM
Congrats man. I remember the first time I shot mine...that was a while ago. But I do suggest one thing, GET HPA. It makes playing in fluxuating weather much better.