View Full Version : Trigger controlled Revy mod (for the intelliframe)...

02-15-2002, 09:06 PM
I was reading the instructions on the AGD page for the mod on the Intelliframe. Now I have a Dye and I figure I could rig something up, but that's not my question. When this mod is done, the revy is activated when the sear hits the switch when the triggger is pulled, correct? But just about everyone completes a trigger pull/release in under a second (normal firing, it would would be even faster when ripping the average 7-9 shots/sec). So this means the swtich is only activated for like half a second. Plus there has to be some delay in the switch, so now it is even less. So this quick "tap" on the switch then goes to the Revy, which make the blades turn. But this "tap" would (I would think) only give enough juice for like a quarter-turn in the blades, which is pointless because even a half-turn would not provide too much of anything. So the only way this mod would help is if you are firing extemely fast, even then the blades are "jumping" each shot. Wouldn't the constant spin of a normal Revy be better then that?

Now my friend brought this up, and it does make sense, but I have no first hand experiance myself. I defended it by saying "I doubt a AGD would make and teach this mod if it really didn't a difference (or make it worst)." I assume this is correct, but how? I'm probably missing something, or thinking something is happening differently, but does anyone know? Has anyone done this mod?

02-15-2002, 09:12 PM

Heres the place for the instructions for those who have no clue what I am talking about

02-15-2002, 09:17 PM
actually you can set it up to spin right before your marker fires, or when your marker fires. it will spin until the trigger resets itself. i believe mine spins for 1/4-1/2 a rotation, if not more with a simple "tap".

even with the impellar spinning everytime you pull the trigger, it still uses the electronic eye so you will still get a constant spin if it doesn't see a paintball.

02-15-2002, 09:35 PM
Ah, I was thinking the eye was disabled... So really this mod is just a supplement for the revolution?

02-15-2002, 10:17 PM
It took me 10 minutes to do this mod. I just got done with it. The mod works quite well, especially since the eye is still there.