View Full Version : Triggernomics

12-30-2011, 07:45 PM
Who is this man that draws the ire of the youtube children ?

(check the comments http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gwU3xjeVmgM )

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/gwU3xjeVmgM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

// :rolleyes:

12-30-2011, 08:47 PM
:sleeping: im not hating but those dont even shoot. might as well build a rot iron fence with that polished crap. :rofl:

Frizzle Fry
12-30-2011, 09:03 PM
Actually, all but one or two of them shoot. I think there are plenty of $1400 Egos that were bent beyond function after an "average" digger diving into snake... Those aren't nearly as pretty and they cost more. Nevermind the Xmags that never see the field, but rather spend their time hanging on walls and having their beauty observed, or the new "super-guns" purchased by weekend warriors to be shot twice a year.

You don't buy a 1950s Ferrari to drive it to work every day.

I own one of Dans triggers and it's one of the most functional and comfortable (not to mention beautiful) things I've used on the field to date - his markers are quite literally the stuff of paintball legend; spawning more internet rumors and myths than anything else paintball-related that I can think of (except that VL concept marker with the built in compressor, maybe).

If people built markers to be uber functional and only that, they'd all be matte black tubes covered with some sort of sticky wrap and a nondescript regulator - most of the time that's not the case; people pay hundreds to add beauty (or their idea of beauty) to a marker with accessories that don't offer increased functionality or ergonomics but in fact often hinder the performance of the gun. Dan just seems to be having a poke at those people in the same media that the average paintball braggart uses - a self promoting YouTube video.


12-30-2011, 09:07 PM
eeegh :eek:

12-30-2011, 09:45 PM
Jealousy is a very ugly emotion. It makes anything I dont have or cant make a piece of crap. :tard: Even when they are really hot. :D

I love those markers and they are hand ground and filed. :hail:

12-30-2011, 10:08 PM
just not my cup of tea not jealouse mr hill. :cry:

12-30-2011, 10:17 PM
Dan's been way ahead if the curve for a long time , those who yak about him don't have a clue , most can't even spell Autococker let alone know what one is or have ever owned one

hey what's a hyperframe ??? :rolleyes: :tard:

& no one calls him Mr Hill ( unless they are talking to his Dad ;) )

12-30-2011, 10:27 PM
touchy touchy :tard: . i do know what an autococker is played against many back in the day. sorry to have struck some nerves. maybe i should uuummm said it in a different way.
I agree they are interesting pieces of Art. obviousely he has a great love for airguns as do we all, thats why we are here. i just prefer function vs fashion. sorry to have upset anyone here. i guess freedom of speech is not allowed? :confused: oooops my bad i guess its a :nono:

12-31-2011, 12:12 AM
just not my cup of tea not jealouse mr hill. :cry:
That's what I would say to.

Do you know weather or not any of those markers function? Guessing about the functionality from a picture is foolish ;) Nor would I question a master.

And no, speach here will be taken completely out of context here. :) it is AO after all.

Frizzle Fry
12-31-2011, 01:55 AM
i guess freedom of speech is not allowed? :confused: oooops my bad i guess its a :nono:

Totally allowed. You don't like how they look, I do like how they look, no biggie there - thing is that (with the exception of one marker #4, often referred to as the "Skele-Cocker" but officially titled "Mad Cocker Disease) they do work. I don't see how they'd be any less functional than another cocker or mag, other than how much more sad you'd be when it acquired a little bunker-rub. According to todays standards (as touted by some) the fact that they're so light probably makes them "better".

12-31-2011, 05:43 AM
Whew, that video certainly has put me in a hot spot. At times, I thought about just deleting it and being done with it. I'll be the first to agree that I come off very conceited and full of myself with some of the comments made in that video. If you know me, then you know that it is all meant more in jest than anything else. If you don't know me,(most of you don't) then I can see why you'd view the video as an audacious and overblown ego at work.

I'll be honest enough to say that I do feel like I'm in a league of my own with my work. I don't do this so people can think I'm special. I do it because it's incredibly fun to make metal objects that function in some way. Paintball guns fit the bill perfectly for me, and I can push myself to whole new limits.
Of course it's fun to show off after putting all my blood and brain cells into these. If someone ever does walk along with something better and boasts even more, they will have my respect.

I enjoy the comments, both the good and the bad. Some of the things people say are pretty ridiculous, and it makes me wonder what kind of issues are buried deep inside them to say what they do. If it ain't your cup of tea, that's totally fine with me, and there's no reason to argue about an opinion.

The only thing that really gets me riled is people saying that these guns won't work. I've been very straightforward about Mad Cocker Disease not being able to shoot due to structural weaknesses, but all of the others are fully functional. I just can't seem to convince people of that, and I'm not able to do a shooting video of them.

Like it or not, I may have slowed down, but I can't stop. I will continue to post my work as I see fit, and I will bear through it all. To those who don't like what I do and are able to formulate their opinion in interesting and civil ways, thanks. To those who enjoy looking at my work I can only say one thing:

Just wait until you see my E-mag!

Take care,

12-31-2011, 08:06 AM
Whew, that video certainly has put me in a hot spot. At times, I thought about just deleting it and being done with it. I'll be the first to agree that I come off very conceited and full of myself with some of the comments made in that video. If you know me, then you know that it is all meant more in jest than anything else. If you don't know me,(most of you don't) then I can see why you'd view the video as an audacious and overblown ego at work.

I'll be honest enough to say that I do feel like I'm in a league of my own with my work. I don't do this so people can think I'm special. I do it because it's incredibly fun to make metal objects that function in some way. Paintball guns fit the bill perfectly for me, and I can push myself to whole new limits.
Of course it's fun to show off after putting all my blood and brain cells into these. If someone ever does walk along with something better and boasts even more, they will have my respect.

I enjoy the comments, both the good and the bad. Some of the things people say are pretty ridiculous, and it makes me wonder what kind of issues are buried deep inside them to say what they do. If it ain't your cup of tea, that's totally fine with me, and there's no reason to argue about an opinion.

The only thing that really gets me riled is people saying that these guns won't work. I've been very straightforward about Mad Cocker Disease not being able to shoot due to structural weaknesses, but all of the others are fully functional. I just can't seem to convince people of that, and I'm not able to do a shooting video of them.

Like it or not, I may have slowed down, but I can't stop. I will continue to post my work as I see fit, and I will bear through it all. To those who don't like what I do and are able to formulate their opinion in interesting and civil ways, thanks. To those who enjoy looking at my work I can only say one thing:

Just wait until you see my E-mag!

Take care,

:clap: :cheers:

There are plenty of Working "Wall Hangers" out there that aren't even a fraction of the pieces of art that your markers are!!
Keep up the awesome work! :headbang:
There will always be haters... don't let them ruin it for the rest of us!!! :cool:

12-31-2011, 08:53 AM
autocockers blah. this is AUTOMAGS.ORG right?

Just poking fun sorry to have upset any of the AUTOMAG owners like i said earlier they are nice pieces of art im not hating. It takes a true craftsman/artist with a totally open freeflowing mind to create those pieces. It was the delivery the pride and conciet video that doesnt make them apealing.

lastley MR. HILL1234 pride and conciet are sins also. ;)

12-31-2011, 11:07 AM
Thats hill160881 to you, :cool: Keep in mind you are speaking to two people who use hand tools and dremels to do the impossible. :D

And to Madhog, that video inspired me to try using files and hand tools to do the milling on this 08 PMR.
I did not do to much but it gave me new respect for how you do what you do. Keeping things strait and symetrical by hand can be really hard.


Thanks again for shareing your work with everyone and keep it coming. :hail:

12-31-2011, 11:20 AM
CHROME DON'T GET YOU HOME. I guess chrome does'nt appeal to some. As for me the only chrome I own are my bass fishing lures. :p

12-31-2011, 01:57 PM
:hail: why are "you unable to do a shoot video" of those pieces? just curious that's the deep issue i have inside CURIOUSITY.

12-31-2011, 03:28 PM
I live in Germany for the past ten years, and all but for my carving, I have left the world of paintball. After having problems with the German authorities about my equipment, I got rid of everything that made paintguns shoot. All that I kept were the aluminum parts to carve.
Gun number 1 belongs to Tom Kaye, so I can't shoot it for you. Before I sent it to him it was working fine though. Guns #2, 4, and 5 are at Mom's in Pennsylvania. 2 got the most use of all of them so far. Fun gun to shoot. 4 as has been said many times, won't get aired up for numerous design issues. 5 never really got running. Everything is in place, but the beautiful paint job by Heather Frymark is prone to chipping. I'd rather not. #3 was made for Steve Davidson, and sent to Florida where after a few weeks of fun, it got stolen. Gone since 2002. 6 and 7 are over here in Europe with me. I don't have anything, and I mean no hoses, air, valves, feeder, fill station, etc. to get them going. Unless I have a greater motivation to get them running besides satisfying a few curious people, I might think about it.

Hill, some people understand what goes into work like this. Only those who try to do it actually know.

12-31-2011, 03:40 PM
Thank You. :)

12-31-2011, 03:54 PM
I personally think they are pretty amazing. I think #'s 2 and 3 are my fav's. Can't beleive the one was stolen and hasnt shown up in 9+ years. Probably sitting in some landfill or in someones attic. What a waste.

01-01-2012, 12:26 AM
those are awsome pieces of work.
do you do this work still?

01-01-2012, 02:09 AM
That E-mag.. is just beautiful!!

01-01-2012, 02:29 AM
I see no difference between these pieces of artwork:


and the ones shown in the video. They are for the most part functional yet don't have to be used to still have a function...that of being a piece of beauty.

I always enjoy seeing your art sir and I salute you. :cheers:

01-01-2012, 12:21 PM
Watched the video, and I don't get why anyone would be cross with Dan. Seemed like any advertising video for just about any product in video history. Talk up your product. I liked it, Dan. You showed all the style and sexy of the markers, and even threw in some humor. Keep it up.

And I totally agree, your markers are amazing. I would love to own one, but it would just hand on a wall for fear of damage. :D Do you do emag triggers? Pm me a quote for one when you get time.

01-02-2012, 12:20 AM
Just wait until you see my E-mag!

Consider me waiting...

01-02-2012, 10:26 AM
Consider me waiting...

Maybe if the unveiling is done as an "unboxing" video it will get a higher approval rating. :rolleyes:

01-02-2012, 10:38 AM
I always tell my kids.
"WHEN you score a touchdown ACT like you've been there before. You scored, let everybody else celebrate for you and then score again. ;)

Frizzle Fry
01-02-2012, 12:51 PM
I always tell my kids.
"WHEN you score a touchdown ACT like you've been there before. You scored, let everybody else celebrate for you and then score again. ;)

Dan has been doing this since before YouTube existed. He's been doing it since before AOL discs started showing up in your mailbox. My guess would be that many of them were started around the time that Yahoo was registered as a domain name... Suffice it to say, this isn't his first rodeo (or super bowl, if that's what you prefer) and he and his work certainly predate internet bragging.

I would guess that the reason his video has so many hilarious comments is tied directly to the large number of PBN kiddies with "Marker Vidz" who he's very effectively trolling :p

01-02-2012, 01:13 PM
Well said i like it! :D especially your closing statement "kiddiz" after all we are still playing a kids game :p

Frizzle Fry
01-02-2012, 11:52 PM
Well said i like it! :D especially your closing statement "kiddiz" after all we are still playing a kids game :p

LOL I'm well with you on that one. We are big children. Some of us hairier than others.

IMHO The #1 marker is not the prettiest thing in the world with that body on it. Prettier than my VM68s though :D

01-03-2012, 04:04 AM
man wish i still had my VM! i had it UL milled by taso back in the day in long beach ca, off the 91fwy and downey ave. UL milled and anode metallic blue it was a pretty nice looking vm68 and you know how ugly they are. :clap:

Frizzle Fry
01-03-2012, 12:37 PM
man wish i still had my VM! i had it UL milled by taso back in the day in long beach ca, off the 91fwy and downey ave. UL milled and anode metallic blue it was a pretty nice looking vm68 and you know how ugly they are. :clap:

One of my former teammates has a TASO milled VM. I personally just have a fistful of stock ones and a PTP. One hasn't been cleaned or lubed in about 15 years - still fires though. I'm not sure what makes them so funky looking - the huge bolt on feed, the giant trigger/hand guard, or the Michelin Man-style body milling...

I think we'll have to send one to Dan; that's a lot of material to work with.

01-03-2012, 06:39 PM
Whew, that video certainly has put me in a hot spot. At times, I thought about just deleting it and being done with it. I'll be the first to agree that I come off very conceited and full of myself with some of the comments made in that video. If you know me, then you know that it is all meant more in jest than anything else....

I'll be honest enough to say that I do feel like I'm in a league of my own with my work. I don't do this so people can think I'm special. I do it because it's incredibly fun to make metal objects that function in some way. Paintball guns fit the bill perfectly for me, and I can push myself to whole new limits.

The only thing that really gets me riled is people saying that these guns won't work. I've been very straightforward about Mad Cocker Disease not being able to shoot due to structural weaknesses, but all of the others are fully functional. I just can't seem to convince people of that, and I'm not able to do a shooting video of them.
Keep the video up. The only bad publicity is no publicity at all. As long as people are talking about your work, it is getting recognized. I'm sure some of the great artists before our time had many people that didn't like what they did. People will always argue against something that goes against what is considered normal.

I like your work because it is different. You can't just buy an add-on part to customize a marker like that. Each marker is a one of a kind which makes it more special than any other marker around.

01-03-2012, 07:23 PM
One of my former teammates has a TASO milled VM. I personally just have a fistful of stock ones and a PTP. One hasn't been cleaned or lubed in about 15 years - still fires though. I'm not sure what makes them so funky looking - the huge bolt on feed, the giant trigger/hand guard, or the Michelin Man-style body milling...

I think we'll have to send one to Dan; that's a lot of material to work with.
or the huge field strip screws

01-04-2012, 09:21 AM
Well if you have noticed, it's been (besides the Sterling) only Mags and Cockers so far. The Sterling was the first gun I ever really fell in love with, and I ruined the grip frame on it. That's pretty much why I did it. The fact that the others are Mags and Cockers is simply because they shaped the game so much and I felt that they needed to be recognized. In the 90's they were the only guns to talk about if you were into semi-auto.
There are certainly other guns worthy of being honored. The VM-68 would be one of them, or of course the Tippmann Pro-Lite. I was never crazy about Spyder's but they definitely made an impact. The Nelspot 007 would also be a candidate, but it's too small to get really involved.
I've got two more Mags on the forge now, and I kind of think that it's going to be over with the guns then. If I ever would do another though, it would be my 2000 LCD Angel. That gun changed the game forever, and there's a lot of metal on there to make something nice out of it.
If I had the time, I'd do this everyday, and make guns till I drop. Hobbies don't pay squat though, so I'm stuck where I am.
It's fun all the same.
Thanks for the words of encouragement guys, they really mean a lot.

01-04-2012, 09:27 AM
Well if you have noticed, it's been (besides the Sterling) only Mags and Cockers so far. The Sterling was the first gun I ever really fell in love with, and I ruined the grip frame on it. That's pretty much why I did it. The fact that the others are Mags and Cockers is simply because they shaped the game so much and I felt that they needed to be recognized. In the 90's they were the only guns to talk about if you were into semi-auto.
There are certainly other guns worthy of being honored. The VM-68 would be one of them, or of course the Tippmann Pro-Lite. I was never crazy about Spyder's but they definitely made an impact. The Nelspot 007 would also be a candidate, but it's too small to get really involved.
I've got two more Mags on the forge now, and I kind of think that it's going to be over with the guns then. If I ever would do another though, it would be my 2000 LCD Angel. That gun changed the game forever, and there's a lot of metal on there to make something nice out of it.
If I had the time, I'd do this everyday, and make guns till I drop. Hobbies don't pay squat though, so I'm stuck where I am.
It's fun all the same.
Thanks for the words of encouragement guys, they really mean a lot.

Something that might pay squat would be a sculpted Viking body. AKA fans get as crazy as any of us and there is some meat on there as well. Just to throw some wood on the fire. :D

01-04-2012, 12:12 PM
Something that might pay squat would be a sculpted Viking body. AKA fans get as crazy as any of us and there is some meat on there as well. Just to throw some wood on the fire. :D

Good call. A Triggernomics Evil M would be amazing as well. :ninja: