View Full Version : Hey Tom, whats up with this Crossfire interview?

02-16-2002, 12:35 AM
I have a couple questions regarding the interview you gave Justin.

Justin: How has paintball changed since you became involved with it?
Tom: Everything about paintball has changed?.Now, it?s jump in and stat shooting, and then wait to see what happens?.It?s gone from just a few people sneaking around in the woods, where you didn?t know where anybody was, to an arena with inflatable, multi-colored stuff, where everyone is out in the open.

My question: Do you ever wish that paintball had not changed in this aspect? Meaning, do you wish that paintball was still primarily a rec ball sport?
Which do you like to play more, rec or speedball?

TK: Paintball is still a rec sport, of the 6,000,000 who play 5,900,000 still play in the woods. Personally I like speedball because I like to get right to the shooting part. Waiting kills me.

Justin: What do you think is necessary for paintball to become a recognized sport, like football or baseball?
Tom: There needs to be a governing body that only has the image of the sport in mind. The governing body should not be controlled by the people who make money off the sport, otherwise you have conflicts. The NPPL was supposed to make this happen but it is still evolving.

My question: Do you want to see paintball become a spectator sport? Furthermore, do you think we as paintball players should replace/reform the NPPL? I must admit I do not know anywhere near as much about NPPL as you or many higher up tournament players do about NPPL, but I personally don?t care much for the way they handle themselves.

TK: Spectators bring in ALL the money. If you want to play under lights in a real arena spectators and advertising has to pay for it. Skyball has lost money every year. The NPPL represents the sport to serious players, they believe things like "the mag is no good because you don't see them used by pros". So someone is going to control the money, right now I would not say that is the NPPL.

Justin: How do you see technology changing in the next five years?
Tom: One of the biggest things that changed in the last ten years, from my perspective, is the player?s acceptance of new technology. If you brought out anything ten years ago, everybody wanted to try it and see if they could make their game better with it. Today you see a lot of new product coming out on the market and people automatically discount them.

My question: Can you elaborate on this? Meaning can you give some specific examples why you think we as players are not as accepting of new technology?

TK: If I tell players the mag has the same pressure behind the ball as the Impulse they don't believe it. The Warp gives the biggest player advantage since the electronic trigger and players can'd deal with the looks. When a new product comes out the first questions asked are never "how well does it work?" it's always comments about the looks. If we came out with a barrel that shot 1" groups at 100 yards but was pink it wouldn't sell. If we came out with a good looking barrel that we told you shot 1" groups you would suck them up.

Justin: Tell us about new products.
Tom: We?re looking to integrate the gun together with the air system, as well as the feed system now?.We think we can exceed 12-13 shot systems with the right type of trigger systems, which would still be tournament legal.
My question: Don?t suppose you could explain more about the integrated systems could you?
I take it the trigger systems above are expected to be semi-auto, and electric. Yet are you worried about weather or not you should exceed this (such as insurance and liability issues)?

TK: Currently we are the only gun company that produces a gun, air system and loading system. This gives us the ability to combine them all into a ready to go package. We have to wait until our new software comes on line to handle the logistics.

Justin: Everyone wants to know about Maxim.
Tom: So now we are working with Maxim and Shocktech to feature a Maxim E-Mag in the magazine. It will be a very high end gun, over a couple thousand dollars. It will have the Maxim name, be made in limited numbers, come in matching colors and matching Warp-Feed, and have several modules on it. It will be the E-Mag extreme body with custom milling from Shocktech.

My question: First, you are a god for teaming up with Maxim (lucky punk ). Second, I must know more about this marker. I am sure it is top secret but at least when can we expect it? Also, other than colors and milling, what kind of stuff will be on this other than a regular extreme (E/Z-Grip **hint..hint).

TK: Sorry to dissapoint but its the SFL with the Maxim name on it. It's big money because it comes with DYE barrels, our Flatline 4500, multiple bodies, Shockteck add ons and a Pelican carrying case.

Justin: It?s been rumored that AGD has been busy working with law enforcement and the military designing equipment for use in training or tactical situations, and that is why AGD has been quiet in recent years. Is there any truth to this?
Tom: You?ll probably be seeing the results of our work around the world here in the next few months as the products go into production. We?ve made a variety of specialized paintballs as well as a special launcher. I?m not at liberty to give a lot of details about that, but you will be seeing it on the news in the next few months.

My question: I am really looking forward to seeing the results of your military product. Can you give us an estimate as to when we will see some of these items on the news?

The military project really screwed us up because we didn't realize how long it takes to get prototypes into production. We now know that the M1 Garand took 14 years and the M16 took 15 years to get into full production. Had we known that at the time we would have skipped the whole thing and thus would have avoided the "AGD is bankrupt" rumors.

The sytems are going though final qualifications right now, not by the military but a very large military contractor. These guys don't judge stuff by looks or advertising, it reall REALLY has to work. We are going through cold testing down to 40 degrees below zero right now. The gun passed but the oring between the tank and regulator keeps leaking, figures, we don't make the tank. The system currently is on order with 14 countries around the world. You will probably see it on CCN in Israel first because they have the most problems. You won't see it being used in nuclear submarines because that is all top secret, get it?

Of all the companies in paintball I am 100% confident in saying we are the only ones that could have pulled this off at the level they required. In the end I will be vindicated when paintball is playing a major roll in saving innocent lives around the world.

I am sorry to hear about your partner with cancer. I am sure I can speak for all of AO and say we wish him a swift recovery.

Thank you, Chuck is doing better and on the road to recovery. I will pass along your good wishes.

Thank you for taking the time to further answer my questions Tom

That's what I'm here for!


02-16-2002, 06:11 AM
Well spoken Tom!:D

02-16-2002, 08:46 AM
I read that article too, but was surprised there was no mention of AO.

02-16-2002, 09:16 AM
yeah wyn, i was surprised too. Perhaps he didn't want to do a cheap plug.

02-16-2002, 09:47 AM
he could have mentioned it when he was talking about new products. A simple "I show all my new products to my AO people", "my research team over at AO", "We're the only company with 2000+ independent consultants".

02-16-2002, 12:51 PM
Now that you mention it I am slapping myself! It was a phone interview and he had a list of questions we had to get through. Must have been having a bad day. Did you see AO got the mention in APG? I remembered that time.


02-16-2002, 01:01 PM
Aha! Miscue and I are vindicated for forgetting to mention AO on PIG-TV!

Kaiser Bob
02-16-2002, 01:52 PM
Which PigTV episode were you and Miscue in?

02-16-2002, 02:45 PM
PanAm Las Vegas. We're at the end of reel 3:cool:

02-16-2002, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by thecavemankevin

TK: Sorry to dissapoint but its the SFL with the Maxim name on it. It's big money because it comes with DYE barrels, our Flatline 4500, multiple bodies, Shockteck add ons and a Pelican carrying case.

NO WONDER, TOM!! I saw that Maxim magazine (Feb. 2002, pg. 156) and it sayid "Airgun Designs/Shocktech Maxim E-mag, and it said it was $2,400!! I almost flipped, it only showed the SFL, 4500 flatline, and a "MAXIM" sticker on the battery pack. I almost thought that the MAXIM sticker itself cost the extra 600 ;) Multiple bodies? like just the different modules, right?