View Full Version : X-valve on/off shims

01-16-2012, 12:30 PM
I just picked up my first X-valve. It's a bit too reactive for my taste. I'm looking at the on/off and assuming that the number of shims increases reactivity - is this correct? Is there a base number of shims like in the Lv10? Should I start at 2 or will it run happily with no shims in place?

thanks in advance for the replies.

01-16-2012, 01:11 PM
If you have the ULT on/off, where the two halves separate and shims are installed, then yes, more shims can put the ULT into reactivity. Go down to just one or two shims to start, and increase from there to find the spot you like. If you have a RT on/off with shims installed, just take them all out. You can put shims in the RT on/off, but it's not very clean and is a substitute for trimming down the on/off pin. A shorter pin = more rapidfire. And more shims simulates a shorter pin.

The shims in the Level 10 powertube are not related to reactivity at all.

01-16-2012, 01:13 PM
If you have the ULT on/off, where the two halves separate and shims are installed, then yes, more shims can put the ULT into reactivity. Go down to just one or two shims to start, and increase from there to find the spot you like.

The shims in the Level 10 powertube are not related to reactivity at all.

yup - I'm good with the Lv10 side of things - just unfamiliar with the on/off design. and yes, it's the one that splits in half.
