View Full Version : Tac-one values?

01-17-2012, 02:25 PM
Im new to Mags, and I really like the Milsim look on these. I have been trolling around awhile, and found one locally. Its stock with a CF trigger. He was asking $450 with a Qloader and 5 pods. I know some like the loaders, some dont.
Guess i'm asking if its a good deal or not. I know he will sell without the loader, whats the value? I have seen them on the board for around $4-500, a new one is less than $600. I dont want to insult the guy.

01-17-2012, 03:01 PM
Value is in the eye of the buyer IMO. As mentioned, you can buy one new for under $600, and thats with an Intelliframe, not a CF frame. To build one with a CF frame, it would probably run you close to $450 or so including everything. If he is adding a Qloader and you like it it's probably a decent deal, personally Im not a fan. If you don't like the Qloader, they seem to sell pretty quickly, so you shouldnt have a problem unloading that part of it. Without the Qloader, I would think $375-380 would be a fair price.

Here are the values as I have figured them.

CF frame = $ 15-20 - These are cheap and plentiful regardless
Tac Body = $100-140 - Condition and whether it comes with a feedneck.
Tac Rail = $ 40-60 Depends on the condition and generation of the rail.
Sear = $ 20-25
Xvalve = $ 160-200 - Depending on condition
Feedneck = $25-30 - Only figure this if it is an aftermarket clamping feedneck
Bits and pieces = $ 20-25

01-17-2012, 03:01 PM
offer 380 ill take the qloader :D

01-17-2012, 09:24 PM
offer 380 ill take the qloader :D
If you've never used one, i would be wary.

01-17-2012, 09:44 PM
If you've never used one, i would be wary.

qloader no bueno? :confused:

01-17-2012, 09:59 PM
qloader no bueno? :confused:
I didn't like it, and if you have a classic mag you're going to use it on make sure you have an RT barrel (double detent) and even then i'm not sure. Only loader that my level 10 chopped with and it stuck the bolt forward. Then there's the whole fact that you can't just throw the pods, so you have to take a pod out, put the used pod in there, pop the other one in. Also 100 rounds is hard to get used to, you feel like you have enough paint to play like you would with a normal hopper but you run out a lot quicker than you would expect, because it feels like it's the same weight. I dunno, just overall i liked the idea of it, but once i had one i didn't like playing with it. I traded it on here for a Halo B and haven't looked back.

I don't mean to turn you off from it, some people love it and swear by it, it just didn't sit well with me and i know it won't be to everyone's liking, even if they think it would be.

01-17-2012, 10:09 PM
I didn't like it, and if you have a classic mag you're going to use it on make sure you have an RT barrel (double detent) and even then i'm not sure. Only loader that my level 10 chopped with and it stuck the bolt forward. Then there's the whole fact that you can't just throw the pods, so you have to take a pod out, put the used pod in there, pop the other one in. Also 100 rounds is hard to get used to, you feel like you have enough paint to play like you would with a normal hopper but you run out a lot quicker than you would expect, because it feels like it's the same weight. I dunno, just overall i liked the idea of it, but once i had one i didn't like playing with it. I traded it on here for a Halo B and haven't looked back.

I don't mean to turn you off from it, some people love it and swear by it, it just didn't sit well with me and i know it won't be to everyone's liking, even if they think it would be.

well i have a warp or two on the way so ill play with those 1st and see how that goes

01-18-2012, 01:06 AM
well i have a warp or two on the way so ill play with those 1st and see how that goes
The thing is i would take a warp if i got one cheap, i wouldn't take the q-loader. Take that as you will.

01-18-2012, 10:37 AM
As someone who has exclusivly used a q-loader for over 2 years, I'll give you my thoughts on it so you can hear both sides. The q is a totally different experience than a hopper. Better is some ways, worse in others.

Before I say anything else, I HAVE to say, if your breaking paint or double feeding with a Q, then its not tuned right. Your have too many prewinds, your springs arent lubed, your tube isnt the right length for an even ball stack, etc. My Q doesnt double feed, never skips, has never broken paint, shoots upside down, and can shoot way, way faster than I can. Theres a learning curve with a Q-loader. Sometimes you can help this by buying a used set up thats broken in, unless the previous owner never figured out how to use it. You'll never dump a hopper or pod of paint on the ground again. Mine is under my gun where most folks tanks are, so no weird thing under the barrel and with a warp ULE body I have a clear sight path down the top on my marker.

It is just as heavy as a hopper, and some people really hate only having 100 rounds before reload. (I don't usually shoot even 1 qpod in a game, so not a problem for me) The pods do suck to load but, once you learn it, you'll be able to do it without even looking. Most pod packs are too small for Qpods.

It's not for everyone, but if you get the chance, I'd try it out.

01-18-2012, 11:06 AM
Theres a learning curve with a Q-loader. .
This is a VERY true statement. My brother has been using a Q setup for a few years and he has had his fair share of issues along the way. More than once, he has switched to a hopper fed marker just to get on the field. Of course, this happens with a lot of things at times.

If you don't have the patience to do tedious tinkering, I would think twice about investing in a setup. With that said, they seem to sell well, so you should have no problem unloading it if you don't like it.

01-18-2012, 06:29 PM
As someone who has exclusivly used a q-loader for over 2 years, I'll give you my thoughts on it so you can hear both sides. The q is a totally different experience than a hopper. Better is some ways, worse in others.

Before I say anything else, I HAVE to say, if your breaking paint or double feeding with a Q, then its not tuned right. Your have too many prewinds, your springs arent lubed, your tube isnt the right length for an even ball stack, etc. My Q doesnt double feed, never skips, has never broken paint, shoots upside down, and can shoot way, way faster than I can. Theres a learning curve with a Q-loader. Sometimes you can help this by buying a used set up thats broken in, unless the previous owner never figured out how to use it. You'll never dump a hopper or pod of paint on the ground again. Mine is under my gun where most folks tanks are, so no weird thing under the barrel and with a warp ULE body I have a clear sight path down the top on my marker.

It is just as heavy as a hopper, and some people really hate only having 100 rounds before reload. (I don't usually shoot even 1 qpod in a game, so not a problem for me) The pods do suck to load but, once you learn it, you'll be able to do it without even looking. Most pod packs are too small for Qpods.

It's not for everyone, but if you get the chance, I'd try it out.
It wasn't the prewinds, i tried fixing it after that happened. The problem was that no matter how i had it, it either wasn't enough to feed, or it was too much for a classic mag. There are other things, which you listed, and having the weight of a hopper but only 100 rounds didn't seem good to me. I just tilt my marker now, and i don't get hit any more than when i've played with a q or a warp. I agree it would be nice to get rid of the blimp, but i just haven't found a good solution yet.

Either way, sorry, kind of jacked the thread.