View Full Version : 50 rd agitated hopper

01-22-2012, 02:44 AM
So has anyone made one worth a darn? What are my options? Want it to be nice.

01-22-2012, 07:22 AM
I made one with a Winchester. It was my first go at it and came out ok. Gave it to Sterling to test out. The connectors were a big pain in the butt and would sometimes get a grounding issue but when it worked, it worked great. I used a pressure switch which I sandwiched between the grip and grip panel. All you'd need to do is apply a bit of pressure when firing and you'd never miss a beat. Ran off 2 AAA batteries.

I made a bad ass one out of a 100rd Sportshot. Used the guts out of a empire revy that activates on sound. I love it, no more shaky shaky when firing. Everything's velcro'ed in so it's easily removable.

The pictures posted was my old setup. I used basic revy guts like I used for the Winchester but switched it over to the sound activated board and velcroed the battery pack inside the hopper. I'm still able to get almost 100 rounds inside it with the the pack and revy components installed due to the speed feed. Runs off a 9v.

01-22-2012, 11:54 AM
Great looking Sportshot!