View Full Version : Stupid Question for the Mac guys...

Frizzle Fry
02-04-2012, 10:20 PM
So I'm primarily a PC guy - lots of Linux machines in my house, and a few things running Windows. Thing is I got a Gen1 Macbook (model 1,1) when the series was released for the low low price of FREE(!) and never being one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I've made it my "netbook" for the last few years.

Here's my problem:

I've got a 24" Sony 3D Viewer that I'd like to use as a display. It hooks up to my primary PC (ASUS gaming tower) perfectly fine by HDMI, but when I plug it into my Macbook (gen 1,1) via HDMI-MiniDVI cable, the system doesn't acknowledge the monitor (even when I hit the search for display tab).

I'm going to keep my ranting about the Mac OS approach to UI to a minimum, but I'm stumped. It won't acknowledge my Sony TV or Display, and I'm starting to think it's a handshake issue. Any "geniuses" here on AO who might be able to help?