View Full Version : this mabe be a stupid question but what is turbo?

Tim Jacobitz
02-16-2002, 02:39 PM
Shockers have it so do bushmasters, and many other guns. My question is what is turbo? What does is do how does it work and why is it so great in some peoples eyes?

02-16-2002, 03:37 PM
well... i'll try to make this simple....

on markers like the mags and cocker and tipmanns and spyders...
you have a normal trigger ie... the marker cyles once for each pull of the trigger at all shooting speeds....

on your elec. markers withthe turbo option....
youu still get the 1 cycle per trigger pull from 1sps to 5sps (shots per sec.)
once your hit 6sps(or whatever the turbo is set to, to engange)
you start getting added shots per trigger pull upto the markers set max sps, which is normally 13
it works out to about 1.5 shots per pull so above 6sps the marker enters turbo and you get an increase rate of fire for as long as you stay above the min needed shot per sec.....

basicly it comes down to being a tool to help those with out a gifted trigger finger or a tool for the lazy.....

though about the only time you get to use it now is at senerio games that allow full auto as they usally allow the other fire modes with it.... very rarely will you find you can use it at legit fields in games...excpet in the aformentioned game type...

though is fun to see the look of the faces of the newbies when you open it up at the target/chrono area *8P

Tim Jacobitz
02-16-2002, 10:00 PM
so it in a way turns it to an auto response trigger when you reach say 6 shots per second if thats what your gun is set to. Thanks for clearing that up it has been anoing me for some time.

02-18-2002, 03:54 PM
actually, viruss(im not saying your wrong, different and older guns have different stules of hyper/turbo)with most of the newer electros, once you pass about 7 BPS, the gun will go into response(fires on trigger pull and release) or, on other guns once you pass 7 BPS, the gun will shoot 3 balls for every 2 pulls.It varies a bit form board to board.

02-18-2002, 05:19 PM
And on some you've just to keep your finger pressed on the trigger to fire at any speed you've setup your marker.
Funny to impress someone, but that's all.

02-18-2002, 06:30 PM
i knew i fergot to add sumthin to mine about the different boards... i find once i start with an example i tend to ferget everything but that....

thanx max fer addin that other stuf