View Full Version : AGD, Let's start right now...

10-17-2000, 08:51 PM
Webbie, My daughter has, and will, frequent this site as it is her and my favorite.

Please require civil language to be used by all posters. As you can tell by woody2, some members do not have the faculties to moderate themselves.

The "family" of members that are loyal to this site are, by and large, a great bunch of players and knowledgable folk; it would not surprise me that AGD learns a new thing or two about their own product!

However, the occasional poster who insists on using derogetory words and spewing insults makes reading the posts rather tedious.

I am not all that when it comes to using a computer, so I ask if there is a way to censor certain words and anagrams, or perhaps temporary and/or permanent banishment should poor judgement be used.

I suggest a curt warning at first, and a second occurance would be temporary removal, a third would have the poster removed and blocked.

I'm just trying to way-lay the inevitable flame war.



10-17-2000, 09:04 PM
>>>Webbie, My daughter has, and will, frequent this site as it is her and my favorite.
Please require civil language to be used by all posters. As you can tell by woody2, some members do not have the faculties to moderate themselves.

Army - Absolutly. It is fast becoming apparent that this freeware version does not have the capabilities I want to keep this place in order. I was hopping some self policing would happen - but silly me - this is the internet! No hold barred!

AGD wants to keep it a PG place - civil language, no spamming, no flaming. Hear me guys?

I will be contacting the powers that be tonight (hopefully) about getting the full version up and running!

>>>The "family" of members that are loyal to this site are, by and large, a great bunch of players and knowledgable folk; it would not surprise me that AGD learns a new thing or two about their own product!

We love our customers and mag users! Yes - teach us!

>>>However, the occasional poster who insists on using derogetory words and spewing insults makes reading the posts rather tedious.

As soon as I gain full power - that stuff wont be tolorated.

>>>I am not all that when it comes to using a computer, so I ask if there is a way to censor certain words and anagrams, or perhaps temporary and/or permanent banishment should poor judgement be used.

Working on it it!

>>>I suggest a curt warning at first, and a second occurance would be temporary removal, a third would have the poster removed and blocked.

Good policy - I will have to work on implementing an official one - but that sound more than reasonable. If you dont curb yourself - Ill do it for you.

>>I'm just trying to way-lay the inevitable flame war.

Remember - ignoring and not posting is the best way to end something before it starts - but yes - we dont want that crud on the board. Play nice or get outta the sand box.



uh - Booyaa!

10-17-2000, 09:14 PM

BTW; 'hooah' is military speak for a multitude of reasons: "good job; yes,sir; that is so cool; alright team; hello gorgeous; this is screwed up; Airborne All The Way Sir!etc etc etc..."

It is the universal reply to all things military, but what it most assuredly does not, can not, and will never mean is; NO!


Ni cD
10-18-2000, 01:11 PM
This forum is gonna be so cool! No more flame wars sounds nice. http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

woody 2
10-18-2000, 04:54 PM
lemme get one thing straight, THEY STARTED that, i have always been loyal here and am one of the older members (as far as how long i been here) if you could read that flame again they were the ones starting saying my site was (as army would say): poop, and that it sucked male testicles. i get angry when people start poop with me but i don't instigate so stop trying to get me kicked oof or whatever the HECK your trying to do.

10-18-2000, 05:10 PM
Psst - woody2 - I dont care who starts what. Only YOU can get yourself kicked off. If someone starts a fight in a bar and you get into it - you both goto jail usually so... Same here - I dont care who starts it - it takes two flame.

Even if they attack you - leave it to me to delete the posts and take care of it. Do NOT react - do not fight back - do not cuss back. If you want to email them - go ahead - I cant stop you.

Right now - everyone has a clean slate - redo. So behave. It isnt that hard.

And Im not just picking on you - this is an FYI for EVERYONE.

Webmaster - AutoMags.Org
[email protected]
"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun." - Ashe, Army of Darkness

10-18-2000, 05:40 PM
i am definatly with u army! and no flames sound good to me.

10-18-2000, 08:13 PM
Clean, clear debate? I know one ***** cat that won't be happy. http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Snap shoot on me and you’ll be walking to the deadbox like your friends.

Team StL Graffiti (http://www.stlgraffiti.com)
Claret C+C Angel LCD
Scorch's RT (for sale) (http://www.paintballcity.com/uploads/scorch-marker3.jpg)

10-19-2000, 12:34 AM
Yeah buddy,This is going to be so much better. Nice post Army.

Keep up the good work....

10-19-2000, 04:42 PM
lol scorch if u mean tiger then that was hilarius(sp).

07-31-2003, 12:51 PM
welcome to october, 2000. Thread resurrection!

07-31-2003, 12:58 PM

07-31-2003, 01:21 PM
WHY do you have to bring up 3 year old posts?

i think THAT should be cause for banning

Load SM5
07-31-2003, 01:40 PM
Stop bringing up old threads-closing.