View Full Version : I think I'm cursed......

02-16-2002, 09:39 PM
Any gun I touch just turns to complete *doo-doo*.........I am always having problems with my things. my sfl electronics went bad the first 100 shots i had the gun, my ptp warp gives me problems, my sfl is always breaking down the barrel, my revised sb broke, I got a crappy case of Diablo blaze today, my mom's a bi-......anyways I need help someone recommend me a good phychologist....if you don't believe me ask animal, or the joker, they'll tell you.....

02-16-2002, 10:12 PM
hey hysperion,

try not to worry about it. everyone has their share of bad luck...it's just the universe evening out. just look at it this way: it seems you've gone through your fair share of bad luck and since everything has to even out, you should be coming across your share of good luck. the next thing you'll know, your sfl will shoot darts, the warp will feed like crazy, and you'll have your best paintball outing. and if things don't look up, you can always trade your bad luck sfl for my good luck regular emag ;). smile cause things will look up :).


jae park