View Full Version : Computer Enthusiast Check!

Tropical Life
04-01-2012, 05:07 PM
Sup All,

Just wanted to see if there was any computer lovers around here, I like to see peoples builds .

Here is a my comp which I just upgraded a bit


I am clocked @4ghz atm idling around 40c off a h100 which is amazing . I am waiting on the new 685 keplers VC to come out, so skipped the 680 VC's that just released.

Show me what you got!! :cool:

04-02-2012, 12:00 PM
I'm going to attempt to remember my build from a couple months ago.

Motherboard: MSI p67
ram: G skils 8gb
Processor: i5 - 2500k
Hardrives: Samsung F1, Crucial 128gb SSD
PSU: OCZ 650 watt
GPU: MSI Twin Frozr 6950 2GB
Case: Antec 300 Illusion

Tropical Life
04-02-2012, 07:56 PM
Nice, how do you like the crucial SSD compared to regular HD?

04-02-2012, 08:00 PM
I haven't had any problems with it thus far, and it is amazing how fast my boot up is... not that it was slow or anything, and the games/programs i have saved on the SSD load incredibly fast. If you have the money, and research which one is best I would definitely invest. Plus with a SSD you dont have to hear your HDD spinning and writing.

04-02-2012, 08:01 PM
I have windows saved on the SSD as well as the programs and games i use most often. For bulk storage i use the 1 TB Samsung F1.

Tropical Life
04-02-2012, 08:09 PM
Thats the only thing I wish I would have done added a SSD from the start. If I do get it I would to like to most likely set it up in a raid 0 setup. The only thing is they are a bit pricey still to reach the gb I would like. I would be removing the whole regular hd and making it full SSD, my dream lol.

04-03-2012, 09:49 AM
Yea full SSD... We can dream. SSD's are still to expensive to justify buying a large one at this point.

04-03-2012, 10:41 AM
current bench:

p67 ws revo' mobo
2600k @ 4.2
2 evga 580 (3gb) in SLI
16gb corsair veng' back at stock clocks/timing, had stable at 1866 but the timing was getting loose.
corsair AX1200 psu (single sleeving in black/white, that was a labor of love)

Single Loop:
EK full card nickle waterblocks on the 580's (with backplates and EK SLi waterbridge)
EK 1155/1156 nickle wb on the 2600k
Danger Den monsoon res' with d5 variable pump.
2x XSPC RX360 rad's with 6x noiseblocker multiframe fans per in a push/pull config with airboxes.

all in a danger den torture rack.

dare I even say there are x79 parts starting to pool in the next room. :cheers:

Tropical Life
04-03-2012, 10:28 PM
^Sweet, whats going on with the x79's heard lots of complaining with them on the forums. I love my X58 it should hold me down for a couple more years while upgrading stuff around it.

How many times a year do you clean out the water block/maintenance and whats your cpu idling at? I'm thinking about trying full water set -up if I ever go beyond 4ghz. The h100 is nice but over 4ghz I wouldnt use it cause you would have to put it on a high speed which is way to loud.

04-04-2012, 11:20 AM
from what I've seen some boards have been sent out with botched raid controllers. and asrock had some issues with the realtek chips. nothing as big as the b2 stepping fiasco that cropped up with sandybridges original release though.

idle avg 24-29. under a prime95 high stress load I dont think I've gone over 58c. I do a full loop breakdown/cleanout every 6 months just because I'm meticulous when it comes to clean computers. They really only need to be done once a year in a good system.

another month or two and I should be done the x79 beast. then the real fun with the 2600k begins. yay D.Ice! hopefully I won't melt this one.

you could always get some better fans with airboxes around your h100 rad. first thing I would be doing is moving the rad outside of that case. think of the laws of thermodynamics, heat rises. so most of the hot air in your case is passing through your rad which is not helping you at all.

04-04-2012, 03:08 PM
13" MacBook Pro. Snow Leopard.


Tropical Life
04-04-2012, 05:55 PM
@spazmok dam that is nice idling, also thanks for the other info.

04-05-2012, 03:40 PM
When I had more time and money, I used to always have the latest and greatest hardware. However, I've had my current main machine for a long time in terms of computer hardware.

I built myself a gaming rig in 2008, then promptly stopped playing games that required new hardware and started playing a MUD. It's got a core 2 extreme, 4 GB RAM, and dual EVGA GeForce 9800 GTX+ graphics cards. Since I stopped gaming, I popped the SLI bridge out, added a couple more monitors and it became my development rig. It's in a case with a gigantic fan on the side that my cats like to stick their tongues in. Cats are pretty awesome.

Tropical Life
04-06-2012, 02:17 PM
Cats and love for computer cases lol.

05-31-2012, 11:27 AM
I did a full cleanout of my system the other week and retubed everything, put a new jet plate in the cpu waterblook and switched from the EK parallel sli bridge over to a serial style cystal link tube. I've dropped to 22C for idle cpu temps, 31C on the first 580 and 32C on the second one. I havn't had time to do a full burn test yet, but running prime 95 while playing trine 2 (maxed) for an hour and still I didn't break 40C on the cpu and 43/44C on the gpu's. Here's a few pictures from the rebuild with no wire management what so ever at this point.





(if you look close you can see one of my angels in the reflection)

Tropical Life
06-14-2012, 04:51 PM
^Nice torture rack and set up..