View Full Version : paintball movies....

04-02-2012, 12:03 AM
so on netflix there are a couple ive seen. one about bobby dukes, which was lame. it was about a player who after wiping in a tourny, got dumped and dissed by everyone who respected him. and ten years later gets the itch and starts up a team to play again. kinda cute, but lame.. and there was one called paintball. it was supposed to be like a thriller or something. it was about a field in europe that was a two day outing of random team capture the flags. all the sudden someone gets shot with live ammo by an unseen enemy...........
now, if i was in this situation, i would not try to keep playing and run away, i would just get the f outa there period. i had to stop watching. i couldnt take it anymore. the stupidity of the film was outrageouse.
my question is why are there no good paintball movies? and any depiction of paintball in a movie or show is always so far from the actual game itself.

04-02-2012, 07:04 AM
this might sound weird but Disney would be the only people that could do a good job at showing the game. just from other sport movies iv seen from them, it would be family friendly so no odd thriller twists and stuff like that, just my thoughts.

04-02-2012, 07:47 AM
I think the guys who did Rad and Gleaming the Cube should make one. Although, it would be hard to work in the stupid sub-plots and keep them paintball-related.

04-02-2012, 07:56 AM
Wow :wow: that's a blast from the past! Now I have to go watch it!!!

04-02-2012, 09:52 AM
I thought Blackballed, the mock-u-mentary about Bobby Dukes, was pretty funny. They did a decent job with the sport too, when it came to safety. You didn't have actors wearing just goggles or removing their masks all the time to say their lines.

It got a little corny toward the end, since the "badguy" team was a little over the top, but I still thought it was entertaining.

But I think the best thing about Blackballed is that it makes a very important underlying point: no serious movie about paintball will be seen as "good" to paintballers, unless it's a legitimate documentary. I can't wait to see Soldiers of Paint (OK D-Day scenario game documentary). It would be equally as interesting if a documentary was made of the tourney scene.

Frizzle Fry
04-02-2012, 11:52 AM
"Paintball: Play to Survive" was probably the second one. They stole the plot from one facet of a "Chuckie" movie where the little hellish doll goes to a military academy replaces the "paintball cartridges" for their training rifles with the real deal before the big war games.

Frizzle Fry
04-02-2012, 11:54 AM
It got a little corny toward the end, since the "badguy" team was a little over the top, but I still thought it was entertaining.

That, and they replaced their "crappy" old Angel LEDs, LCDs, 'Cockers and Mag with the "fancy new" 32* Rebel blowbacks for the final tournament :tard:

The Angel cost more than all 8 of the markers they "saved up for" :p

04-02-2012, 12:55 PM
I don't think any paintball movie that tries to be a theatrical movie rather than a documentary wiill be worth a crap. I wouldn't watch a paintball related movie unless it was something accurate and informative that delved into the history of paintball, sort of like "Lords of Dog Town." Granted, they are a different genre, but movies like "Drumline", "Break Dancing II, Electric Boogaloo" and " Insert any audience specific activity made into a movie with a lame plot line" make me want to shoot something.

04-04-2012, 03:03 PM
I also though Blackballed was pretty funny. Especially the Canadian team, awesome representation of modern professional players (at least some or most of them).

04-04-2012, 08:59 PM
You gotta see Gotcha! from 1985:


Great movie and certainly the first one to ever have something paintball related.


Jonathan plays a game called Gotcha in which he hunts and is hunted by other students with paint guns. After a big win, he goes off for a vacation in France where he meets the sexy Sasha who says she is only interested in him because he is a virgin. She takes him with her to East Germany where they are separated and he has to escape back to the west on his own, all the while being trailed by East German spies. He arrives home only to find the game is still going on, and a canister of film is in his backpack. Then Sasha re-appears.
