View Full Version : Thought I'd share this story with you guys.

04-02-2012, 06:06 AM
I played in an Old School Mechanical 3 man tournament yesterday and I decided to use my 68 Classic Automag. My marker got more looks and comments then any other gun that day. It was kind of awesome.

One guy was just staring at it so I said hey whats up and he told me "sorry man i just haven't seen a mag in a long time, I was just checking it out."

Another guy called his buddies over to have them check the marker out. (this was the team using all WGP Autocockers too lol)

I was put on a throw together team with two relatively new players (although one of the kids could play the snake like nobodies business) as I decided to play the tournament last minute. We didn't finish good (5th place out of 8 teams) but the comments I received all day long about my Mag made up for it. I also found out later that day on the fields website I had alot of pictures of me taken as well lol. It twas a good day.

04-02-2012, 06:21 AM
Mags are fairly uncommon at most of the fields that I frequent as well. I usually hear a few whispers around me at the beginning of the day. My favorite was when some kid who thought he had a clue started telling his friend all about E-Mags, and he was totally clueless himself. It was sad how misinformed he was.

04-02-2012, 06:28 AM
That's for sure. I play at two local fields and i've never seen anyone shooting an Automag. The only time I see a lot of them is at the Michigan Monster Game at Hell Survivors every July.

Anyways, my Automag shot flawlessly all day. The only thing I really wasn't used to was the Feedneck and elbow sticking out like it does on a mag. Made it awkward for me when I switched hands.

04-02-2012, 07:01 AM
I think that my area is an exception, as a couple of local fields around here have a pretty good Mag user base. On any given weekend there are always 5 or 6 Automags on the field.

But I'll admit, it's always fun to get comments and looks from people who either don't know what a Mag is or haven't seen one in ages.

04-02-2012, 07:02 AM
Ive noticed a lot of younger players noticing my mags as well, some actually even recognize that theyre mags:D though most are just wondering what kind of guns they are.

04-02-2012, 07:26 AM
there seem to be a fair number of mag users here in minnesota, though i usually just see them at the larger scenario events. that said i still get crazy looks if i walk on the field with something like a warp feed!

04-02-2012, 07:30 AM
After seeing all these posts it appears to me that Michigan sure is lacking Automag users. lol I want to pick up a few more Automags relatively soon but I impulse bought a PE Etha Paintball marker not to long ago so the dream of owning a few more Automags is going to have to wait until at least another paycheck or two lol

04-02-2012, 08:38 AM
I play 90% of the time at Albany Scenario Club, Up State NY in Nassau NY. The club owner owns a few mags/emags and on any given day I'll see a few generic mags (classics and RT Pros)

Playing with a non classic/ULE bodied mag will always get looks and questions on what it is. Although I do get the most looks when playing with a warp feed. Everyone wants to hold the gun to see how it balances, they'll usually always comment on how unbalanced it is. lol The players who shoot newers guns from PE or bob long will comment on how heavy it is, which it kinda is :rolleyes:

Regardless of the mag people are playing with, they'll get compliments on it, same with autocockers as well

04-02-2012, 10:05 AM
I showed up at a 3man tourney 3 or 4 years ago with a mag and everybody was eyeing it asking if I was really gonna play with it. There were even a few people who were adamant about it not RT'ing, I asked one guy who was standing there holding a brand new Ego if was really that concerned about my mag RT'ing or the battery going out in his marker, lol I put on a good showing with it, even though the kids I played those few tournaments with couldn't seem to get it together. Somebody always wanted to check the mag out at each event, and people still do at big games regardless of which one I break out the bag.

04-02-2012, 10:19 AM
Me and my friend run Mags almost exclusively. 99.9% of the time we are the only guys with a mag on the field. Most of the time no one here notices until we keep up with or out shoot the newest electro's running around. After the first 2 games there is always someone asking what they are.

I did get lectured for using my mag in a small tournament a little while ago. It was something about unregulated full auto. But they couldn't complain after i shoot it over the chrono at 12 bps .

04-02-2012, 11:04 AM
it seems to me that more people are buying 'mags here in the UK too, I only used to see 1-3 in big scenario games and now it's much more.

old school is definitely becoming new school :cool:

04-02-2012, 11:41 AM
Me and my friend run Mags almost exclusively. 99.9% of the time we are the only guys with a mag on the field. Most of the time no one here notices until we keep up with or out shoot the newest electro's running around. After the first 2 games there is always someone asking what they are.

I did get lectured for using my mag in a small tournament a little while ago. It was something about unregulated full auto. But they couldn't complain after i shoot it over the chrono at 12 bps .

Yeah, the tourney I was in you couldn't RT at all. Thought it was kinda silly but I still gogged people at each event with it shooting one trigger pull one ball at a time, lol. I might have been shooting 3-6 bps :rofl:

04-04-2012, 08:02 AM
Yeah, the tourney I was in you couldn't RT at all. Thought it was kinda silly but I still gogged people at each event with it shooting one trigger pull one ball at a time, lol. I might have been shooting 3-6 bps :rofl:

Nice. I gogged one guy in the dorritos. He was snap shooting at me using an Autococker. He popped up and it was perfect. I watched the Paintball break right in the middle of his mask.

I love it when that happens lol

04-04-2012, 10:16 AM
Nice. I gogged one guy in the dorritos. He was snap shooting at me using an Autococker. He popped up and it was perfect. I watched the Paintball break right in the middle of his mask.

I love it when that happens lol

Yeah my favorite part about a good gogg shot is they can't wipe that one, lol.

04-10-2012, 07:00 PM
I play at ALbany Scenario Club a lot of the time as well, and i only use my mags. You'll probably see me there this weekend with my completed V.E.R Mag and my RT Micromag.

I play 90% of the time at Albany Scenario Club, Up State NY in Nassau NY. The club owner owns a few mags/emags and on any given day I'll see a few generic mags (classics and RT Pros)

Playing with a non classic/ULE bodied mag will always get looks and questions on what it is. Although I do get the most looks when playing with a warp feed. Everyone wants to hold the gun to see how it balances, they'll usually always comment on how unbalanced it is. lol The players who shoot newers guns from PE or bob long will comment on how heavy it is, which it kinda is :rolleyes:

Regardless of the mag people are playing with, they'll get compliments on it, same with autocockers as well

04-10-2012, 08:06 PM
played last weekend with two of my mags... every ref at the place came over afterwards to check them out. They were floored when i showed them the lvl10... i should be an AGD salesman lol.

04-11-2012, 06:46 AM
played last weekend with two of my mags... every ref at the place came over afterwards to check them out. They were floored when i showed them the lvl10... i should be an AGD salesman lol.

My Automag is undergoing some changes. Right now it is over at Luke's Custom's getting the vert feed mod done to it and when I get the parts in it will be shipped back out to him to have him bead blast it and then powdercoat it. I Didn't have the parts or the money to have everything done all at once.

A lvl 10 bolt is on my list of things to get as well.

04-11-2012, 07:06 AM
i played every weekend from 2000 to 2004 never owned a mag then, but always wanted to get one... decided to get back into the game again last year and since i sold all my old equipment, i decided to build a brand new custom mag for myself. i got it all together and im ready to play.. went back to my old field and the owner looks at it and says wow, i havent seen a mag in years! i was kinda shocked cuz he used to use a mag quite a bit. i woulda thought he'd still be using one... one thing that sucked was he said they were obsolete! i was like, WHAT!? no way! especially after spending close to 800 bucs building my brand new mag. i knew what i wanted and i got it. and i know its just as good if not better than any gun out there today. i just need to get her tuned and timed... since im a newb to mags i was gonna see if someone on here could fix her up so she shoots like all those crazy fast mech mags i see. pm me if any of you would do so or know who would.

04-11-2012, 08:23 AM
The guy at your field is wrong. AGD is still in business and selling brand new Automags. www.airgundesignsusa.com.

You might want to start a thread of your own explaining your exact setup and what you are looking to get out of it. I'm sure someone will offer advice.

04-11-2012, 10:02 AM
he said they were obsolete!
Lol...last famous words.

And he'll be the first one all up in your koolaid the moment the complaint start coming his way from the regulars. :rofl:

04-11-2012, 10:20 AM
Lol...last famous words.

And he'll be the first one all up in your koolaid the moment the complaint start coming his way from the regulars. :rofl:

My local field owner thought they were out of business too lol

04-11-2012, 12:53 PM
Lol...last famous words.

And he'll be the first one all up in your koolaid the moment the complaint start coming his way from the regulars. :rofl:

If you dress in common stuff and leave the field promptly, the refs later look at your marker and often say "oh, that's a mag, it wasn't him." "Nope, not me." :ninja:

On the other hand, after we waylayed an entire crew on a scenario mission, I traded places with a team mate. They came over and checked to see if the guy with the pump mag was shooting too fast. :p