View Full Version : Are They Good?

02-17-2002, 12:15 AM
hey guys, im 13 years old and have an automag TKO... i wuz at my local field a week ago and i wuz gearin up for the next game and i saw 2 guys with autocockers havin a shootin contest. They were pullin the trigger so fast, i went to the startin point and looked at one of the guys guns and he had no electronic frame... he wuz shootin about 10 a sec. so my field is only open once a month... but now they are gonna be open 2 times a month. The 2nd saturday is gonna be elemination and the 4th saturday is scenario type. I wuz considerin usin my mag for scenario and i wanna get a cocker for elemnation. Now are cockers quiet? are they a good quailty? Can they run of co2 put on a bottom line? Now i can have enough money for a 2002 vertical feed cocker with a 20oz anti-siphon tank, a green 12v revvy with X-board in i think 5 months. So what i am tryin to say is that should i get an autococker or just stick with my mag. I am askin u people becuase u have helped me in the past with decisions before. And what u guys usually say i go with and im happy.

02-17-2002, 12:20 AM
the mag u got will perform just as well as a stock cocker... the cocker will most likely need more matienence and stuff like that... save ur money right now.... ur only 13... when i was 13 i bought way to much stuff that i didnt need and now i regret it cause i would have had so much more to spend on paintball.. honestly if u stick with ur mag u will shoot just as fast as some of those cocker guys

02-17-2002, 12:31 AM
i will probably get a cocker later on down the road. but now i only have a single trigger frame on my mag and it BITES. can recommend some nice 2x trigger frames?


02-17-2002, 07:01 AM
Alot of the time people confuse cockers for a high rof because of the way the gun sounds when it's fired. You have one pop when you pull the trigger, and another pop when you let go. While he may have been firing 5bps, it might have sounded like he was going 10bps.

Cockers are definatly good guns when the work. Although they are a step beck in technology--I'd go with an electro (impulse, bushmaster, etc....) with that extra money instead of mechanical.

Go ahead and get the AGD intelli frame.


02-17-2002, 11:14 AM
Also dont expect that massive rof on a stock cocker. You will need to modify it to get it really fast. Things like hinge triggers(eclipse), pneumatics, and many other things. Im not saying stock cockers are slow, they are actually pretty fast but i wouldnt go out and spend all of that money if i already had a mag which is just as fast. Cockers run great on co2 stock. You also have to learn the cocker trigger and a mag trigger to have high rof's. After some practice you can shoot both very fast.

I have nothing but good experience with cockers and love them. They arent hard to maintain all you need is oil. Timing is easy once you figure out exactly how the gun operates.

Cockers are rather slow when conpared to electros and retro valved mags but that all gepends on how fast you can pull the trigger.

02-17-2002, 11:42 AM
I've always wanted a cocker as well, but I consider that purchase a distant future one, primarily because my Minimag is very nice as after I did a few things to boost the performance. My suggestion for ya, would be to use the money to pick yourself up a ReTro Valve, Nitro Tank, and an Intelliframe, you'll fall completely in love with your 'mag all over again. I know I did with mine when I installed an Intelliframe. I'm sure with a ReTro Valve, and Intelliframe, you'll out shoot stock cockers easily... heck, Ive even had guys with Bushmasters fanning their triggers trying to 'show me up' at the chronograph, and I kept up just having fun ripping out a few strings of shots. :D

02-17-2002, 01:48 PM
Yeah, and while you MAY see those richies at your local field with their Angel main, Bushy back-up, Autococker back-back-up, etc., it doesn't mean you need them all too! And you're 13 - one gun is ENOUGH! I'm not trying to discriminate against your age - I'm 15 - but it's hard enough to keep up with one gun when you don't have a job, let alone two! My advice is to do what Xzion advised you to do - Go ReTro! No no no - put down those bellbottoms, I mean get a ReTro valve from AGD! You can even get nifty trade in prices (I believe) from www.airgun.com! It's a very nice upgrade, that will recharge your 'Mag 5 times faster, and also spring your trigger back with some "Umph!" A Nitro tank is a MUST (literally, it requires HPA) with a ReTro valve, so I'd reccomend the PMI Pure Energy 68/4500 for that Magger on a budget, it's less than $200 at most places, and works GREAT! And, should you feel the need, get a nice 2 finger trigger frame (Benchy if you are budgeted, Intelli if you can afford it and if you want to hook up to your hopper for better feeding - but beware, most new hoppers - Halo, Ricochet, TurboRev, and Xboard[Which is ALL NEW VL REVOLOUTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!] will NOT WORK with Intellifeed, so make sure you can use it!) if you feel so inclined. However, if you prefer a single trigger, like us minority, stick with what you've got, or get a new metal one.

Trust me, these upgrades will make you proud that you stuck with your 'Mag and didn't bother with that Cocker!