View Full Version : will i see improvment with 68 mag?

02-17-2002, 12:20 AM
how much improvement will i see with a mag compared to my tippmann 98 with rt and double trigger and stuff....

i plan on gettin a 68 mag and upgrading it alot.....with like df and ex chamber and double trigger and new tank what would you upgrade it with....ive got about 140 to upgrade with..... and will i see a big improvment with accuracy and distance and i know i prolly wont see any improvment in rof but like accuracy and distance are a big deal...i know i can prolly pull the trigger about 6 bps atleast if the pull is as light as you all say it is...thanks


02-17-2002, 12:25 AM
well first off.... ive never owned or shoot a tippman w/ rt... that said the mag will perform great, it will be just as accurate probly a little more... and rof of 6bps is easily reachable... compared to a tippman, i have no clue!

02-17-2002, 12:29 AM
thanks.....i really want a good tourney gun( we are starting a rookie speedball team) and i was wondering if a mag would be a good choice...its just a rookie team just a bunch of mags and cockers....well i would be the firts mag if i get one....well thanks for the reply....keep em coming guys ;)


02-17-2002, 01:27 AM
i've got a tippmann 98, have shot an M98 RT, and i have a 68 automag. i personally prefer the trigger on the mag to that of the tippmann, but i don't think that one can out shoot the other in terms of ROF. the tippmann has a light trigger, and the RT improves its speed. while the tippmann can take any punishment you're likely to deal out to it, the mag is ALOT easier to take apart and clean. trust me, you're gonna love that feature. you guys are playing tourny style, so i suppose this doesn't matter much to you, but even with a heavily ported barrel a tippmann sounds like a shot gun(or if you've tweaked your RT, a tommy gun). a mag with a similar barrel will be very quiet, which is a good thing for playin in the woods. also, unless you have a vertical bottle adapter for your tippmann, the mag is a little bit more comfortable to hold since it's a little shorter. I prefer my mag in the arena, though a tippmann rt would be good in the woods. well, those are my opinions. now i have a question: is the tippmann RT system tourny legal? if you hold it in the right position, it can rip full auto(and turn it into a blender if you don't have a motorized hopper).

02-17-2002, 02:23 AM
the automag is a tournament gun out of the box.
Put a motorized loader and nitro/compressed air on it and away you go! Those would be your first 2 things to buy. Don't go for any performace upgrades they really don't help.
Good luck with your team, and welcome to AO!!

02-17-2002, 02:43 AM
ok, i owned a tippmann rt and i can guarantee you that if your team is planning to play in tournaments and actually be serious about paintball, then get the mag. it is a serious down-to-business gun that will serve to well in the tournament world. now, if you just wanna be the guy with the fastest, coolest looking, most accuracte woodball gun, go with a tippmann r/t flatline with nitro (running remote of course). but that setup will not do when it comes to speedball. i found that out REALLY quick when we started getting into speedball and i had the biggest fattest gun on the team. I really started to hate the fact that I would have to go to the big bunkers just to keep all of my gun in. I actually started to trade my tricked out tippmann around for my other teammate's piranhas (although they weren't nearly as accurate or fast as the tippmann) because they were light and i could keep nice and compact with them. after a couple weeks i tried to figure out what to do. with christmas coming up I figured I would have about $700 by the end (my b-day and christmas are really close, and i already had about $100). so i had a desicion, autococker or automag. I figured i could get an autococker from my local shop for $500 (with tax) and get a tank ($60) a new barrel ($100) and have $40 left for paint. or... i could get the automag with a $95 barrel, all for $200 (on ebay), a $50 12v revvy, a foregrip and vert adapter, a blue kapp drop foward with matching on/off asa, a $60 nitro tank, and partial ownership of a new 80 cf scuba tank for filling. Now that i look back, even though it was a hard descision, I know i made the right choice. my friends always ask me "so, if you had more money you would've got the cocker right?" and I say "no, I still would've got the mag" I feel that cockers are just overpriced mags. they preform the exact same, in every aspect. half of my team has cockers, half has mags. i like the cockers sure, but I would still go mag even if i had enough to rick out a cocker. another thing people always say is "oh, you can buy so many things for cockers, but not very much for mags" and i've talked with all my friends with cockers, and there really are no upgrades for cockers that noticibly improve their preformance. now for mags, you can get the intelliframe and a retro valve, and holy crap, you DEFINATELY can tell the difference. So don't let anyone fool you and have them say "wow, for that much you can get a cocker", just look at them and say "i would rather get a p/f mag with a retro valve, intelliframe, boomstick, a tight drop foward, warp feed, and 68ci 4500psi nitro tank then buy that overpriced spray painted piece of crap.

02-17-2002, 11:03 AM
Here are some things that'll improve .......

Size of gun.....The Mag is MUCH smaller, expect to get less gun shots (if your getting any right now)

Able to play tourneys (M98 is slowly being banned in some tournaments)

Efficency...Should get more shots per fill off a Mag.

More respect on the field.

Accuracy and distance is all in what kind of barrel/paint, reg and tank your using...Having said that, the Mag should get great accuracy due to a built-in regulator. If I were you, and had $140 for upgrades, skip most of the stuff, buy a nice barrel, nitrogen tank, drop forward, and gas-thru grip.....You'll have a nice Mag.

02-17-2002, 06:08 PM
is the nitrogen really worth it....i mean is it really gonna affect the gun all that much...and you really dont get much shots from nitro....i figured i could get a 20 oz anit siphon with on off for less than 50....bt nitro would cost me atleast 60 or 80 and the neaerest pro shop is in waxahachie....about 30 min away.....and i just got a fill station.....for co2....but o well i mean could i use co2 when i dont have nitro for just like weekend games in my woods?.....and ill use nitro for practices and games and tourneys.....let me know ok


02-17-2002, 06:11 PM
HPA is one of THE best upgrades for your gun.

02-17-2002, 07:39 PM
sure, you could switch back and forth..
I don't think the gun really cares.
and YES, the HPA is worth it

02-17-2002, 10:12 PM
nitro is worth every penny. it makes your gun shoot consistantly wich makes your pattern smaller The first time i used hpa it made my game so much better

02-18-2002, 05:28 PM
what is the body rail on the 68 mag? is that like the tube thing of the gun?where all the junk is?