View Full Version : your thoughts!

04-06-2012, 03:24 PM
i have had an automag package that was custome anno'd

pretty sweet anno kind of a blue and green acid wash in way.

but when this person offered to do the anno i was happy to hear that his anno guy could match exactly what i wanted.

problem after more inspection there where spots that had emblems that wern't removed,(my fault?) so now those eblems dont want to stay on so they fell off now i can see the original red color underneath. due to this persons failed attempt to get his own products onto the market in any sort of a timely manner i fear his words of encouragement that he will right the anno wrong are just a fart in the wind..

should i just eat it and have my guys stripp it and reanno it some day?

or should i press the matter and possibly wait another 1-3 years for results.
cost to get fixed by this person (guestamate) free

cost to eat it (guestamate) 100$+

anny thoughts.

the reason i ask is i am getting ready to either send my 120+ parts off to bazookaboy or someone here in cali to strip my parts so they can sadly can be assebled and be put up into storage untill the wife gets her new duty station on the east coast most likely.


04-06-2012, 03:34 PM
Well first off I'm amazed the emblems diddn't melt off in the vat of acid you annodize in. Which brings me to my next thought:http://www.musicbanter.com/attachments/lounge/2993d1229236014-body-art-this_thread_is_useless_without_pics.gif

I would contact your annodizer and complain, most annodizers either strip or offer to strip and clean your gun before annoing to ensure consistancy. I however would not accept a half assed patchwork job laying down.

04-06-2012, 03:41 PM
If it's who I think it is, I am not the least bit surprised. Ask for a refund of the anodizing costs and send it to someone that has a clue.

04-06-2012, 03:47 PM
If it's who I think it is, I am not the least bit surprised. Ask for a refund of the anodizing costs and send it to someone that has a clue.
Yeah asking for refund deffinently hasnt been humored.
ill get pics up soon.

i figured the parts would have been stripped as well. but you know what they say when you assume.

04-06-2012, 03:49 PM
Penny wise, dollar foolish. What did we learn here ;)

04-06-2012, 04:56 PM
Penny wise, dollar foolish. What did we learn here ;)
not to buy from this person ever again?

naw im not sure what i have learned???

04-06-2012, 10:55 PM
Well, if the annodizer doesn't offer a redo or at least to help you out please let the rest of us know who it is so that we can take the extra care when we ship our guns out so that they will come back how we'd like them. ;)

Frizzle Fry
04-06-2012, 11:06 PM
Most anodizers carefully remove emblems (I'm guessing you mean jewel stickers) and reattach them (sometimes with a light glue if needed). The question is, did you remove them, or did the anodizer? Have you tried using a light glue to reattach them? Do they cover the imperfections if attached?

If they were removed prior to the anodizing and the area wasn't cleaned that could cause a problem, but if you removed them and there was a slight residue he might not have known about it at all. I'm assuming he stripped the part or polished it before re-anodizing? Still, unfortunate either way.

My 2 cents show us pictures, then talk to Bazooka he does great work.

04-06-2012, 11:18 PM
Most anodizers carefully remove emblems (I'm guessing you mean jewel stickers) and reattach them (sometimes with a light glue if needed). The question is, did you remove them, or did the anodizer? Have you tried using a light glue to reattach them? Do they cover the imperfections if attached?

If they were removed prior to the anodizing and the area wasn't cleaned that could cause a problem, but if you removed them and there was a slight residue he might not have known about it at all. I'm assuming he stripped the part or polished it before re-anodizing? Still, unfortunate either way.

My 2 cents show us pictures, then talk to Bazooka he does great work.

yeah could be the residue thing.
probably all my fault any how.

ill just not send stuff or have stuff done by venom designs anymore.

but ill just go ahead and stripp everything.

thankyou for the input guys.

04-08-2012, 11:46 AM
er...you gonna post them pics or wat man??? :confused:

04-08-2012, 12:12 PM
oh sorry i figured sincei decided to strip em i didnt need to.
and i sent parts off to be stripped this morning. buddy just got done picking them up.


Frizzle Fry
04-08-2012, 10:26 PM
yeah could be the residue thing.
probably all my fault any how.

I'm not saying it's your fault at all man, just hypothesizing. I've never done business with VD (did have a scare once in college) but I guess without knowing I'll just file that for future reference in case I'm considering buying something or having something done.