View Full Version : EMAG fun!!

Chris TS-1438
04-08-2012, 09:38 PM
so. all bow before me... I jujst scored an E-mag valved emag on the terrible but evil ebay...for 350!! powerfeed. with early software. it lights up for a split second but thats it. works on mech but leaks air down the barrel. Talk about how awesome I am ....but also...any advice on fixi it? for the MODS....this is half me wanting to talk and brag about my pick-up and part me wanting to get advice....so you decide if you want to move it or not.


04-08-2012, 09:44 PM
Most of the regulars on here watch the Bay pretty closely. Unless it was mis listed, it was probably not as phenomenal of a deal as you thought. It happens though. Pics would help.

Non ULEd lowers are selling for $250-300 and add $20 or so for an Emag body and youre there... Did it come with a good battery? $50-80 for a rebuild. Xmog flash is another $50.

04-08-2012, 09:45 PM
yeah good price about how much it would take most people to build one.
but good score.

battery is probably low.
check battery voltage after charge.

if battery wont take a charge, there are ways to revive batteries. but i wouldnt recomend them uless you know what you are doing.

kinda like cpr for your pack. alot of people will say dont do it, its not worth your time.

but i am about 80% successful at it in my 15 years of doing it. so it usually worth my time.

good pick up. i was eyeing it but decided i need to finish my projects first.


Chris TS-1438
04-08-2012, 11:50 PM
yeah. well. Its was a good deal. I dont really know many people who built an emag for 350...but oksss. :rolleyes:

Ive been reconditioning my mac laptop battery for the better part of 7 years...same concept?


anyway.. seems like a deal to me... even if I need a charger.

Chris TS-1438
04-08-2012, 11:52 PM
Most of the regulars on here watch the Bay pretty closely. Unless it was mis listed, it was probably not as phenomenal of a deal as you thought. It happens though. Pics would help.

Non ULEd lowers are selling for $250-300 and add $20 or so for an Emag body and youre there... Did it come with a good battery? $50-80 for a rebuild. Xmog flash is another $50.

miss listed...kinda. I was suprised it stayed so low. I would have gone 450 on it. anything less than 550 for an emag is a steal to me. and if I put in 200 im still at 550.

04-09-2012, 12:21 AM
$370 shipped is still a pretty good deal for the entire marker.

$325 for lowers (just saw a set sold for this, and they were dinged)
-60 for a charger
$85 for a Lvl7 Emag valve
$30 for a teflon black powerfeed Emag body (nice condition)
$misc for drop, on/off ASA, airline and fittings
$misc for.. is that a DYE boomstick barrel?

When buying Emag lowers most people don't expect the battery to be in good shape unless it's specifically listed as such. Just hope that the valve doesn't need anything more than a few common o-rings, and that the problem with the lowers is a bad battery OR that someone put the HES in incorrectly. If it's an early version, expect the magnets to be gold plated rare earth instead of the stronger nickel plated neodymium. If so, the magnets might start showing their wear with the plating flaking off.

It's not as good as the deal I got a few weeks back for a near-mint "factory fresh" Emag at $300 shipped, black sight rail, charger and barrel included. Other than the sticker on the charger showing some age, the thing looked like it hasn't seen the field. All I had to do was put the HES back correctly and replace the quad o-ring, and it was ready to go. But those kind of deals just have to fall in your lap. Yours is still good, so don't feel bad about it. ;)

04-09-2012, 12:21 AM
Let try to fix this.

Is it instantly dieing or slowly dimming and dieing?
Does it do it the instant you plug the battery or say when you pull the trigger?

You know what bolt system you have?

I personally would do a full oring replacement on the valve if I was you. If you're running a lvl 7 bolt system, go with a regular rt kit. If you have a lvl 10 bolt system, go with a X-valve kit. Buy a few (2-3) spare quad oring while your at it. They dont come in either kit.

04-09-2012, 01:04 AM
oh yeah no, i was certaily saying good for him to get it.
deal wise great.

i guess i was speaking personally.

i have built 3 with almost the exact specs and possible problems he has for 300$
and bought manny emags for 300$ and sold them here and there for 200-300$ profit.

i didnt mean to say that this was bad.
maybe i should stick to buying and not post so many opinions:D:D:D

good buy buddy. i seem to always be corrected on here.

hope the issue with the board or whatever it may be is an easy fix.

04-09-2012, 07:36 AM
I wasnt saying it was a bad deal, but when you come onto a forum with the intent to brag about your score, you should be ready to receive some opinions as to its worth. It is a decent deal, good luck with it.

04-09-2012, 08:58 AM
miss listed...kinda. I was suprised it stayed so low. I would have gone 450 on it. anything less than 550 for an emag is a steal to me. and if I put in 200 im still at 550.

I'm glad I didn't bid it up for you. :)

I saw that and was thinking about how e-mag lowers used to go for $400, and I still don't have one. My recently acquired classic RT is keeping me occupied in the garage though.

If you find a good way to recondition that battery, post it up. I think people usually replace them.

04-09-2012, 09:09 AM
... i have built 3 with almost the exact specs and possible problems he has for 300$ and bought manny emags for 300$ and sold them here and there for 200-300$ profit.
When it works out, that's certainly a very nice thing!

i didnt mean to say that this was bad. maybe i should stick to buying and not post so many opinions:D:D:D ....
I didn't take it as saying it was a bad deal by any means. Just trying to throw out there the possible part-out value to encourage the OP that he still got a good deal, even if it wasn't the kind of eye-popping deals that we (those who scour the 'Bay and the BSTs) snag once or twice a year. When it comes to posting an opinion as to value, though, I usually keep quiet and just read what everyone else has to say, because I'm always afraid it's going to come back and bite me when I try to buy or sell something in the future. :rofl:

04-09-2012, 10:54 AM
so. all bow before me... I jujst scored an E-mag valved emag on the terrible but evil ebay...for 350!! powerfeed. with early software. it lights up for a split second but thats it. works on mech but leaks air down the barrel. Talk about how awesome I am ....but also...any advice on fixi it? for the MODS....this is half me wanting to talk and brag about my pick-up and part me wanting to get advice....so you decide if you want to move it or not.

-chrisYou should do a complete oring rebuild first. That way you know you are starting fresh. Get a level 10 if is doesn't have one. You will need it.

The battery is probably toast. It is most likely a stock one and is well past its life expectancy. You can have one built that is better than the original.

04-09-2012, 04:01 PM
Don't let anyone here poop on your parade- You got an e-mag that you've been mentally hand raping since you first learned about them and you think you got a good deal on it. Now what you do is rebuild your valve (or get an xvalve) fix the battery, think about getting a new body, and some xmod. Once you've got that all done you go out in your purple suit with a zebra print tophat and a tinted mask and teach the GOG users whassup. Bonus points if you find an old vl3000 to throw on the top.

04-09-2012, 06:14 PM
I was very tempted to make a run at that Emag. But ti 1.5 i have here kept me form doing it. It is a good score i would highly recommend Xmod and a fresh battery after you go through the valve.

Chris TS-1438
04-13-2012, 04:13 AM
It came with a brand new battery. Level ten. Just no charger.